
101. Livecbradio.comlivecbradio.com

网站简介:Listen to Live Streaming CB Radio, Ham Radio, Aircraft ATC and Police Scanner. Talk on the World's Only Web Controlled CB Radio Station.

102. Nostalgiaair.orgnostalgiaair.org

网站简介:Large free online resource for antique and vintage radios, with over fifty thousand pages of scanned Riders schematics, service manuals, tube cross reference, articles, and forums.

103. Hanssummers.comhanssummers.com

网站简介:Many homebrew projects for Radio, Electronics and Computers including QRP HF Radio, Z80 Computersrs

104. Justlearnmorsecode.comjustlearnmorsecode.com

网站简介:Free windows software download for learning Morse code, as well as improving speed for current CW buffs.

105. Dxsoft.comdxsoft.com

网站简介:Collection of Windows' ham radio terminal, logging, CW and other software.

106. Butel.nlbutel.nl

网站简介:Dedicated software for AOR AR5000, AR8000, AR8200, AR8600 and Icom IC-R2 radio receivers.

107. Awr.orgawr.org

网站简介:The international radio broadcast service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, devoted to spreading the Gospel world-wide.

108. Radioblvd.comradioblvd.com

网站简介:Wireless radio apparatus and memorabilia from the 1900s through the 1950s. Includes photos and restoration details. Virginia City, Nevada.

109. Hamwaves.comhamwaves.com

网站简介:Variety of amateur radio information including on antennas and propagation. By Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA

110. Winradio.comwinradio.com

网站简介:Hardware, software and frequency databases to allow personal computers to be used as communications receivers.

111. Uba.beuba.be

网站简介:Offers news, membership information, downloads, activities and contact information. [English, French, Dutch]

112. Hamgallery.comhamgallery.com

网站简介:Thomas Roscoe presents photos of ham radio operators, ham shacks, antenna farms, contest stations, collectibles, and DX recordings in real audio format. Brookfield, Ohio.

113. Antennex.comantennex.com

网站简介:Deals primarily with antenna designs, including forums, technical information, and product reviews. Registration required, some free access.

114. Lea.hamradio.si/~s57nan/ham_radio/

网站简介:Homebrew transceivers and other projects.

115. Sral.fisral.fi

网站简介:Founded in 1921. Site offers organization details, operating information for visitors, clubs, repeaters, awards, beacons and contact details. [English, Swedish, Finnish]

116. Rlx.lurlx.lu

网站简介:Provides information on events, services, membership, QSLing, a callbook, digipeaters, APRS, awards, relevant legislation and a forum. [Multilingual site]

117. Wb8nut.comwb8nut.com

网站简介:James, who is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, provides his background in radio, a blog, a greater Cincinnati area repeater directory and articles on SDR, digital, APRS, QRP and D-Star.

118. Repeater-builder.com/rbtip/

网站简介:Providing information for making amateur and commercial repeaters.

119. Arrl.org/ares

网站简介:Manual downloads and membership requirements, at The American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

120. Arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar

网站简介:Search listings of ham conventions and hamfests in the United States.

121. Gaares.orggaares.org

网站简介:Member resources include club and event information, training schedules, links and directory.

122. Py2ohh.w2c.com.brpy2ohh.w2c.com.br

网站简介:Homebrewing of transceivers, receivers, transmitters and test equipment. [Italian - English]

123. Aprsisce.wikidot.comaprsisce.wikidot.com

网站简介:Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Client, written for Windows (x86 and x64) and Windows Mobile (CE). It will also run on Linux and Mac OS under WINE, as well as other virtual machines.

124. Issfanclub.comissfanclub.com

网站简介:These space enthusiasts follow ISS missions and contact crews by amateur radio. Offers news, forums and tracking information.

125. Skccgroup.comskccgroup.com

网站简介:SKCC resource for those interested in using traditional 'straight' Morse Code keying devices, including help with learning and improving Code skills.