
126. Nic.fi/~sos/

网站简介:Flyer and stunt kite designer proud to come from Finland.

127. Gamma.nic.fi/~sos/raaseri/xseri.htm

网站简介:Radical variation in Simo's Raaseri.

128. Clpgh.org/exhibit/neighborhoods/northside/nor_n243.html

网站简介:KAP in Pennsylvania around 1900.

129. Freespace.virgin.net/mike.go/Pages/delbuild.html

网站简介:Simple single line delta plan

130. Freespace.virgin.net/mike.go/Pages/quickite.html

网站简介:Quick easy and simple kite made from paper

131. Freespace.virgin.net/mike.go/

网站简介:Reach Up And Touch The Sky. Kite sketchbooks, kite gallery, kite flying sites, kites and colour..

132. Freespace.virgin.net/phil.d_uk/Photos/KitePhotos.html

网站简介:A collection of photos taken whilst power kiting.

133. Home.golden.net/~billpe/

网站简介:This is a non-competitive kite club. All are welcome from beginner to expert.

134. Whizzieworld.free-online.co.ukwhizzieworld.free-online.co.uk

网站简介:A free UK kite festival run by the Brighton Kite Flyers for both the family and the enthusiast.

135. Kite.org/activities/events/event-calendar/

网站简介:Provides listings of events in the United States. Includes links.

136. Kitebuilder.com/plan_gwoodstock1.html

网站简介:A multi-winged cellular single line kite.

137. Kitebuilder.com/muncie/muncie.htm

网站简介:Large single line cellular kite.

138. Kitebuilder.com/techsheets/skyreel/page2.html

网站简介:Home made reel for kite lines

139. Kitebuilder.com/plans/tetra/tetralist.htm

网站简介:Tetrahedral kite building plans

140. Gombergkites.com/dir.html

网站简介:Gomberg Kite Productions list 250 kite stores in the USA.

141. Webhome.idirect.com/~davlin/

网站简介:Canadian two and four line flier. Toronto festival report.

142. Kiteloft.com/events.asp

网站简介:Maryland kite events hosted by The Kite Loft.

143. Kites.tug.com/kites/Bb+p/rules.txt

网站简介:Peter Lynn explains the problem with right-of-way buggy rules.

144. Festivals.tug.com/berrow96/

网站简介:Includes an amusing text report on the Berrow buggy festival 1996.

145. Festivals.tug.com/bristol95/

网站简介:Report on Bristol 1995, published in Drachen Magazin.

146. Kites.tug.com/centi/ctp-plan.html

网站简介:Line junk - a caterpillar that walks in the wind. Plan by Bernhard Malle, with permission from Peter Lynn.

147. Chevron.tug.comchevron.tug.com

网站简介:Detailed discussion of soft foil design and construction.

148. Kites.tug.com/Reich/

网站简介:A compendium of Ron's postings to rec.kites.

149. Festivals.tug.com/washington95/

网站简介:Report published in Drachen Magazin.

150. Festivals.tug.com/washington99/

网站简介:Includes gallery of images from the biggest festival in the UK.