
51. Yamahajetboaters.comyamahajetboaters.com

网站简介:Message board for Yamaha jet boat owners.

52. Passagemaker.compassagemaker.com

网站简介:For owners, designers, and builders of the trawler and other ocean motorboats. Focuses on the boats, the people, and the lifestyle of cruising under power.

53. Boatered.comboatered.com

网站简介:Professionally hosted boating forums, on-line tests and quizzes, and boat owner boat reviews.

54. Sailboatstogo.comsailboatstogo.com

网站简介:Sail rigs for inflatables, canoes and kayaks

55. Gsevents.comgsevents.com

网站简介:Includes a list of boat shows, home and garden shows, and RV and camping shows scheduled for the upcoming year. Information includes show descriptions, dates, dealers, directions, hours and admission.

56. Trailersailor.comtrailersailor.com

网站简介:On-line magazine for the small boat sailor. Articles, news, an events calendar, and listings of sailing sites and classified ads.

57. Seatow.comseatow.com

网站简介:Sea towing service, special offers, on-line charts, weather information, safe boating information, and marina guides.

58. Classicboat.co.ukclassicboat.co.uk

网站简介:UK magazine about restoring and sailing on classic boats, from world-girdling cruising boats to home-built dinghies.

59. Afloat.ieafloat.ie

网站简介:Published monthly as the magazine of the Irish Sailing Association and the Irish Marine Federation.

60. Oceannavigator.comoceannavigator.com

网站简介:The magazine of Navigation and Ocean Voyaging.

61. Uscgboating.orguscgboating.org

网站简介:Federal requirements and safety tips for recreational boaters.

62. Fish.state.pa.usfish.state.pa.us

网站简介:Boating and personal watercraft registration, safety education, laws and regulations, and accident statistics.

63. Findacrew.netfindacrew.net

网站简介:Find a Crew - Worldwide! The World's largest international online marine crew & boat network. Introducing yacht crew and boat owners directly.

64. Canaljunction.comcanaljunction.com

网站简介:A guide and leisure directory for British canals, cruising guides and background about culture, tradition, heritage, engineering, and folk art plus links to leisure companies.

65. Eastportyc.orgeastportyc.org

网站简介:News, calendar of events, race schedule and results, photo gallery, and information on junior program. Located in Annapolis.

66. Dbw.ca.govdbw.ca.gov

网站简介:Programs: construction and improvement of boating facilities, beach erosion control, aquatic weed control, boating safety education, Clean Vessel Act grants, and training local boating law enforcement officers.

67. Spinsheet.comspinsheet.com

网站简介:Magazine specifically devoted to Chesapeake Bay sailing. The magazine's content includes racing, cruising, general sailing, and junior sailing with a unique Chesapeake flavor.

68. Pegasus.compegasus.com

网站简介:Sailboat racing team. Race results, photo galleries, weather links, race schedule and stories.

69. Westernriver.comwesternriver.com

网站简介:Provider of white water rafting vacations for various groups of people such as families, couples, or regular groups.

70. Rorc.orgrorc.org

网站简介:This British yacht racing club offers updates on upcoming races, sections devoted to the yearly Commodores' Cup, Admiral's Cup and Fastnet Race, race programme, crew register and details of the club houses in London and Cowes; with photos and weather reports.

71. Sailboat-cruising.comsailboat-cruising.com

网站简介:From sailboat design to bluewater cruising, articles cover everything to consider, learn, and do. Cruiser's community forum.

72. Jsward.comjsward.com

网站简介:Includes summaries of how to make a sailboat steer itself without an autopilot, navigational worksheets, and a sailing resume.

73. Baylinerownersclub.orgbaylinerownersclub.org

网站简介:Includes member directory, message boards, Bayliner information and technical advice for all Bayliner boat owners.

74. Sailingtoday.co.uksailingtoday.co.uk

网站简介:The online version of the printed publication. Written by cruising sailors and aimed at cruising sailors worldwide.

75. Marinewaypoints.commarinewaypoints.com

网站简介:A guide to boats, boating, fishing, gear, sailing, scuba diving, and weather.