
51. Aeroseek.comaeroseek.com

网站简介:Aviation oriented search engine and directory.

52. Caa.co.zacaa.co.za

网站简介:Regulates aviation in South Africa. Provides official information for the aviation industry.

53. Planeandpilotmag.complaneandpilotmag.com

网站简介:A site reflecting the monthly magazine which is an information source for general aviation pilots flying piston-engine aircraft.

54. Businessair.combusinessair.com

网站简介:Designed primarily for the entrepreneur whose primary objective is to buy or sell a corporate jet or turbine aircraft.

55. Rcgroups.com/forums/channels.php

网站简介:Discussion of R/C modeling. Provides a large selection of published articles.

56. Thistothat.comthistothat.com

网站简介:Advice about how to glue things to other things. They are given with humor and good details.

57. Migflug.commigflug.com

网站简介:The Switzerland-Based company offers fighter jet flights in Russia and Czech Republic, Germany, South Africa and the United States. Have worked with various media including Discovery Channel and Pro7.

58. Heliguy.comheliguy.com

网站简介:Offers help with flying DJI Phantom quadcopters and other multirotor drones. Includes tips, troubleshooting and online blogs about the drone world.

59. Sun-n-fun.orgsun-n-fun.org

网站简介:Annual event in Lakeland, Florida. Offers news, how to get there, and a museum.

60. Copanational.orgcopanational.org

网站简介:Association of private plane owners and pilots in Canada.

61. Grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/

网站简介:FoilSim basic aerodynamics software. Interactive simulations of flow around airfoils.

62. Rchelicopterfun.comrchelicopterfun.com

网站简介:This site provides information and guidance to help you succeed with RC helicopters.

63. Aviationtoday.comaviationtoday.com

网站简介:Aviation business intelligence.

64. Balloonfiesta.comballoonfiesta.com

网站简介:Annual event held every fall. Images, tourist information, news.

65. Supercub.orgsupercub.org

网站简介:Offers forums, pictures, and classifieds.

66. Rc-airplane-world.comrc-airplane-world.com

网站简介:Aimed at helping people start in RC flying, with information and advice on choosing a model.

67. Cirruspilots.orgcirruspilots.org

网站简介:A not-for-profit membership organization established to educate, promote the safety of and support the owners and pilots of certified aircraft manufactured by Cirrus Design Corporation, encourage ownership of these aircraft and provide social activities for its members.

68. Airkix.comairkix.com

网站简介:Offers indoor skydiving in Basingstoke, Manchester, and Milton Keynes, England.

69. Skydivespain.comskydivespain.com

网站简介:Tandem jumps and skydving courses for beginners. Dropzone in southern Spain near Sevilla.

70. Cap.govcap.gov

网站简介:Aviation based organisation providing education, cadet programs and operational assistance.

71. Airtattoo.comairtattoo.com

网站简介:The world's largest military airshow, held annually in July at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK. A great day out for aircraft enthusiasts and families.

72. Wai.orgwai.org

网站简介:Promotes and supports women in the aviation industry. Provides information the history of women in aviation and facts and statistics of women involved in aviation careers.

73. Airfields-freeman.comairfields-freeman.com

网站简介:Paul Freeman's collected Information on vanished or abandoned airfields and little-known airfields with unusual histories. Over 1000 entries grouped by US state.

74. Fai.orgfai.org

网站简介:The world's air sports federation. It is a non-governmental and non-profit making international organization with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical activities worldwide.

75. Ddn.comddn.com

网站简介:Provides breaking defense and aerospace news with special reports, PEDS and budget information.