网站简介:Bimonthly publication for tractor and stationary gas engines. Offers merchandise sales, restoration stories, and advice from collectors. Provides subscription information.
网站简介:A source of information for all types of hand planes, including wooden planes, infill planes and Stanley type planes. Also information on how to make hand planes.
网站简介:Outdoor antique and collectibles show in Brimfield, Massachusetts. Includes complete list of show dates, maps, accommodations, dining, list of dealers and tips for attending the show.
网站简介:A forum dedicated to collecting silverware with sections on reading hallmarks, cleaning and restoration. Most suitable for beginner and intermediate collectors.
网站简介:A clearinghouse for information on antique tool and woodworking machine patents, allowing collectors of these tools to easily find information about the history of tools and trades.
网站简介:Monthly covering architecture, interior design, and fine and decorative arts worldwide. Includes advertising and subscription information, calendar of current exhibitions and artworld events, and titles from current issue.
网站简介:Large free online resource for antique and vintage radios, with over fifty thousand pages of scanned Riders schematics, service manuals, tube cross reference, articles, and forums.
网站简介:Antique farm tractor and implement support group and information site. Resources include pictures, clubs, ads, events and an extensive parts reference sortable by state.
网站简介:Vintage radio restoration service, by Ron Ramirez Enterprises. Features a gallery of older Philco models, downloadable schematics, do-it-yourself servicing and tuning tips, identification and dating guide.
网站简介:Manufacturer of stoneware art pottery from 1910 to 1990. Historical information, email discussion list, online store.
网站简介:Purveyors of American patented and mechanical antiques.
网站简介:History of telephones, telephone companies, and services. Includes photographs and list of clubs for collectors.
网站简介:Recommendations for identifying and evaluating oriental rugs and carpets.
网站简介:Covers daguerreotypes to modernism. Research center features a guide early photo processes, book reviews and information on preserving/protecting valuable photographs.
网站简介:Educational site for collectors and those interested in antique medical, surgical, and bloodletting instruments.
网站简介:Vintage tractor maintenance advice and repair tutorials.
网站简介:Information for users and collectors of all models of Disston handsaws.
网站简介:Articles, auction news, sales gallery and information about oriental rugs.
网站简介:Dedicated to crystal set radios. Publishes a newsletter, and books. Offers projects, tips for design, and history.
网站简介:San Francisco bay area (Berkeley) dealer's site has topical articles about oriental rugs.
网站简介:To provide the highest quality saws of the 19th and 20th Century to the woodworker and collector alike.
网站简介:Includes archive of articles about antiques and collecting as well as other services for collectors.
网站简介:Dealer of refurbished antique phones and many different novelty phones. Also offers many parts for old phones and payphones.
网站简介:Resource for learning about collecting silver, silversmiths, flatware and holloware with a question and answer forum.
网站简介:A quarterly publication specializing in the history, use, and preservation of woodworking hand tools.