
1. My.yahoo.commy.yahoo.com

网站简介:My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.

2. Crayon.netcrayon.net

网站简介:CReAte Your Own Newspaper. Decide on the publications you want and let CRAYON pull together all of the headlines for you in one, easy to click home page.

3. Newsisfree.comnewsisfree.com

网站简介:A build-your-own-personalised-portal site, that offers news from over 2000 RSS feeds.

4. Mynewsreader.commynewsreader.com

网站简介:Customizable page which aggregates news stories from different sources.

5. Worldflash.comworldflash.com

网站简介:A news ticker for Windows that displays up-to-the-minute news headlines, stock quotes, weather forecasts, sports scores while you surf the Web.

6. News.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/help/3223354.stm

网站简介:Headline ticker will automatically update throughout the day with the latest news, sport, travel, finance and weather from the BBC. Available for multiple OS platforms.

7. Easybyte.com/products/ticker.html

网站简介:A free news ticker that scrolls the latest breaking headlines from a variety selectable subject areas.

8. Journalistexpress.com/public

网站简介:News and research portal for reporters. Personalize newsfeeds, news ticker, and search boxes to draw items for a specific beat.

9. Botbox.combotbox.com

网站简介:Monitor blogs, RSS feeds, and web forums.

10. Individual.comindividual.com

网站简介:A customizable news service, allowing users to choose from over 200 topics and follow over 5000 public companies. News can be read on the site or delivered by e-mail.

11. 3dig.com/products/NewsDart/

网站简介:Free downloadable software that allows to receive breaking news to the desktops.

12. Wakeupnews.comwakeupnews.com

网站简介:Shareware that automatically loads the newspapers of your choice every morning at the time you specify and notifies you with an optional alarm.