
101. Reason.com/people/nick-gillespie/all

网站简介:Contributor to Reason Magazine. Writer of social and political commentary from a libertarian perspective.

102. Movingnorth.blogspot.commovingnorth.blogspot.com

网站简介:A humorous look at life through the eyes of a newcomer in the last frontier.

103. Bobhostetler.combobhostetler.com

网站简介:An award-winning author and speaker whose columns appear in the Hamilton Journal-News in Hamilton, Ohio and on WMUB 88.5 FM in Oxford, Ohio.

104. Thatcoolbroad.comthatcoolbroad.com

网站简介:The daily chronicles of one woman s journey toward

105. Calthomas.comcalthomas.com

网站简介:Syndicated political columnist offers links to archives of his twice weekly column and transcripts of his daily radio program.

106. Brookesnews.combrookesnews.com

网站简介:Daily comments on societal issues and the Australia media.

107. Continentaldivide.uscontinentaldivide.us

网站简介:Washington-based Open News Site, dealing with national and international news analysis.

108. Southernhumorists.comsouthernhumorists.com

网站简介:Southern humorists are columnists, comedy writers, cartoonists, and southern writers, who write funny columns. Check out the funny humor columns and share the laughter.

109. Angelfire.com/az/nativebob/currevents.html

网站简介:The enigmatic M.W. delves into current events "from an angle not seen since geometry was discovered." Opinionated and not politically correct.

110. Greenllama.net/blog/

网站简介:News and stories, with a funny, sometimes very opinionated twist.

111. Tompurcell.comtompurcell.com

网站简介:A nationally syndicated humor columnist and satirist based in Washington, D.C.

112. Melvindurai.commelvindurai.com

网站简介:Humor columns and mailing list from lifestyles to politics.

113. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columnist

网站简介:Online encyclopedia article explains the functions of columnists and gives many examples.

114. Https://sites.google.com/site/svendavishumorist/

网站简介:An archive of columns and features relating to the arts, media, advice, how-to, and social commentary.

115. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Page

网站简介:Encyclopedia article includes his media activities, awards and bibliography of works.

116. Nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/oped/columnists/bobherbert/

网站简介:US politics, urban affairs and social trends commentary appearing Monday and Thursday in The New York Times. Includes his biography, photo and contact information.

117. Nytimes.com/library/opinion

网站简介:Columns by Charles M. Blow, David Brooks, Frank Bruni, Roger Cohen, Gail Collins, Ross Douthat, Maureen Dowd, Thomas L. Friedman, Bill Keller, Nicholas D. Kristof, Paul Krugman and Joe Nocera.

118. Forbes.com/opinions/

网站简介:Columns by William Baldwin, Laszlo Birinyi Jr., David Dreman, John C. Dvorak, Kenneth L. Fisher, Jerry Flint, Steve Forbes, Joseph R. Garber, James Grant, Steve H. Hanke, Peter Huber, Rich Karlgaard, Andrew J. Kessler, Richard Lehmann, Michael S. Malone, Stephen Manes, James W. Michaels, Jennifer Morse, Virginia Postrel, Marc Robins, John W. Rogers Jr., John Rutledge, Robert S. Salomon Jr., Matthew Schifrin, A. Gary Shilling, David Simons, Martin Sosnoff and Caspar Weinberger.

119. Theguardian.com/profile/ianblack

网站简介:European politics and policy column appearing Saturday in The Guardian. Includes recent articles, full archives and books.

120. Theguardian.com/index/contributors/a

网站简介:Index of all contributors, listed alphabetically by last name.

121. Theguardian.com/media/mediacolumnists/roundup

网站简介:Columns by Emily Bell, Peter Preston, Janine Gibson, Peter Wilby, Jane Martinson, Steve Hewlett, Martin Kelner, Anna Pickard, Chris Shaw, Mark Borkowski and Lucy Barrett.

122. Theguardian.com/profile/peterpreston

网站简介:World issues and politics commentary appearing in The Guardian and The Observer. Includes recent articles and full archives.

123. Theguardian.com/profile/isabelhilton

网站简介:World issues and politics commentary appearing Monday in The Guardian. Includes recent articles, full archives and books.

124. Theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2005/dec/11/familyandrelationships.features

网站简介:Self-deprecating humorist focuses on everyday and family life.

125. Theguardian.com/profile/martinkettle

网站简介:Commentary about national issues and politics appearing Saturday in The Guardian. Includes recent articles and full archives.