
101. Architecture.about.com/od/paint/

网站简介:Articles from About.com offering tips to choose the right paint color for your house.

102. Nhc.noaa.gov/prepare/ready.php

网站简介:Advice on developing a family plan, creating a disaster supply kit, having a place to go, and securing a home.

103. Wallmurals123.comwallmurals123.com

网站简介:Basic instructions for painting wall murals using different transfer techniques. Overview of ready-made mural options.

104. Wallpaperinstaller.comwallpaperinstaller.com

网站简介:Comprehensive wallpaper information including FAQs, photographs, diagrams, step-by-step instructions, dictionary, forum, and tips for estimating, hanging, and repairing wallpaper.

105. Woodfloorsonline.comwoodfloorsonline.com

网站简介:Photographs and diagrams, installation tips, refinishing and maintenance information, FAQs, and "Do's and Don'ts" for wood floors.

106. Wireityourself.comwireityourself.com

网站简介:Do it yourself home wiring information with step by step wiring instructions and wiring diagrams.s.

107. Bhg.com/decorating/paint/decorative-painting/

网站简介:Offers tips on decorative painting techniques, with step-by-step tutorials.

108. Construction-resource.comconstruction-resource.com

网站简介:Employment listings, forums, how to articles, and calculators.

109. Ownerbuilderonline.comownerbuilderonline.com

网站简介:This site provides information for owner builders to help them manage the building process from preconstruction through project completion.

110. Helpwithdiy.comhelpwithdiy.com

网站简介:Illustrated tutorials on topics including plumbing, painting, tiling, and decorating.

111. Howdididoit.comhowdididoit.com

网站简介:Information, pictures, and instructions for home improvement projects such finishing a basement, remodeling a bathroom, and installing central air.

112. Decorative-faux-painting.comdecorative-faux-painting.com

网站简介:Helpful information and instruction on faux painting techniques. Provides tips on various faux finishes and the tools needed.

113. Circuitrework.com/guides/7-1-1.shtml

网站简介:Advice about soldering, resoldering, and workmanship.

114. Publications.usa.gov/epublications/build-terms/terms.htm

网站简介:Home construction and maintenance terms.

115. Homedoctor.nethomedoctor.net

网站简介:Short articles covering appliance repair, pest control, electrical repairs, energy savings, and heating and cooling in the home. Also includes discussion forums.

116. Hiddenwires.co.ukhiddenwires.co.uk

网站简介:A resource for customised home automation and home entertainment. Aimed at designers, installers, suppliers and users of smart home technology.

117. Silentshadow.orgsilentshadow.org

网站简介:Information on symptoms, sources, prevention, detection, and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning.

118. Thisoldhouse.com/toh/how-to/intro/0,,332403,00.html

网站简介:Illustrations, photographs, and step-by-step instructions for installing a lockset.

119. Diydoctor.org.uk/projects.htm

网站简介:Collection of articles and photographs covering a range of home projects.

120. Https://www.fema.gov/safe-rooms

网站简介:Information on "Safe Room" design and construction from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

121. Faqs.org/faqs/electrical-wiring/

网站简介:FAQs for electrical wiring, including definitions, resources, tips, techniques, and safety information.

122. Stainedfloor.comstainedfloor.com

网站简介:Illustrated tutorial on making concrete stain with or without acid.

123. Ths.gardenweb.com/forums/plumbing/

网站简介:Discussion of problems, solutions and projects.

124. Jimsalmon.comjimsalmon.com

网站简介:Home of Jim Salmon's Radio Show. Includes information about home inspection, home improvements, home repairs, and do it yourself resources.

125. Housepride.cahousepride.ca

网站简介:This site helps home owners make good renovation and decor choices for their home by helping them learn about its original design and style.