
76. Momadvice.commomadvice.com

网站简介:Articles on parenting, frugal living, saving money, work at home opportunities, inexpensive recipes, and tips for organizing your life.

77. Specialed.about.comspecialed.about.com

网站简介:A resource for parents, teachers, and students.

78. Parentingteens.about.comparentingteens.about.com

网站简介:Information and links for parents of teenagers who are dealing with violence, drug use, pregnancy and everyday issues. Includes chat and forum community.

79. Supernanny.co.uksupernanny.co.uk

网站简介:Official site of UK series. Features information about both the UK and US series, the book and participation details.

80. Homewiththekids.comhomewiththekids.com

网站简介:Site featuring articles, discussion and information about staying at home and family finances.

81. Easyaupair.comeasyaupair.com

网站简介:Information and advice for prospective au pairs, plus registration for a matching service.

82. Childcareaware.orgchildcareaware.org

网站简介:Search facility for locating childcare by zip code, and other options. Also includes general advice and other resources.

83. Greenspun.comgreenspun.com

网站简介:Alex, Benjamin, Harry and Phillip. Personal writings, interests such as aviation and technical tips.

84. Namenerds.comnamenerds.com

网站简介:Information about Irish and Scottish names, as well as both English and ethnic spelling.

85. Showhope.orgshowhope.org

网站简介:Adoption grants, fundraisers, resources, and conferences. Offers blog, store, information about adoption aid, care centers, getting involved, donating, staff and financials.

86. Pregnancy.com.aupregnancy.com.au

网站简介:Up-to-date and source of information and support for pregnancy, birth and parenting from an Australian perspective.

87. Careforkids.com.aucareforkids.com.au

网站简介:Australia's online nanny source.

88. Babynamescountry.combabynamescountry.com

网站简介:Offers lists of names categorized alphabetically or by origin, gender, and popularity. The site also provides an online tool for baby name selection.

89. Interfaithfamily.cominterfaithfamily.com

网站简介:Information and networking for Jewish interfaith families. Includes articles, discussion boards and support resources to help families dealing with contemporary interfaith issues.

90. Adoptivefamilies.comadoptivefamilies.com

网站简介:Pre and post adoption resources for parents looking to adopt and for those who already have. Search tools for adoption agencies across the country. Annual adoption guide.

91. Brainchildmag.combrainchildmag.com

网站简介:The magazine for thinking Mothers.

92. Loveandlogic.comloveandlogic.com

网站简介:Love and Logic provides simple and practical techniques to help parents and teachers have less stress and more fun while raising responsible kids

93. Preschoolexpress.compreschoolexpress.com

网站简介:An online early learning activity newsletter for teachers and parents of preschool children.

94. Fisherhouse.orgfisherhouse.org

网站简介:Provides free or low cost lodging to veterans and military families receiving treatment at military medical centers.

95. Pregnancyforum.co.ukpregnancyforum.co.uk

网站简介:The friendly place to chat for mothers-to-be. Discuss pregnancy and trying to conceive issues with other ladies in our message forums and live chat room.

96. Mamasmiles.commamasmiles.com

网站简介:Finding joy in everyday parenting through creativity, learning, and play.

97. Carecourses.comcarecourses.com

网站简介:Correspondence courses for child care providers.

98. I-am-pregnant.comi-am-pregnant.com

网站简介:Information on getting pregnant, pregnancy and child birth. Read pregnancy Myths and Facts, facts about birth-control and pregnancy tests and also about infertility and its treatments.

99. Babycenter.com/pregnancy-calendar

网站简介:A pregnancy calendar specific to fetal development and stage of pregnancy.

100. Adoptionhelp.orgadoptionhelp.org

网站简介:Open adoption information, resources, and services for birthparents and adopting parents.