
76. Kotexfits.comkotexfits.com

网站简介:Offers advice a woman needs about periods, menstruation, health and well being, and PMS. Includes maternity and menopause.

77. Fibroidoptions.comfibroidoptions.com

网站简介:The Department of Interventional Radiology offers an alternative to surgery to control symptoms of uterine fibroids.

78. Endometriosisinstitute.comendometriosisinstitute.com

网站简介:ISTE is a non-profit organization promoting research, education and clinical advances in endometriosis.

79. Emedicinehealth.com/breast_lumps_and_pain/article_em.htm

网站简介:Consumer health resource center providing information on common causes of breast lumps and pain..

80. Fibroids.co.ukfibroids.co.uk

网站简介:Explains the condition and the treatment options, and provides clinical staff profiles, and appointment details. Harley Street.

81. Womenshealth.about.com/od/menopause/

网站简介:Information about symptoms and treatments including hormone replacement therapy for perimenopause and menopause. From About.com.

82. Emedicine.medscape.com/article/256448-overview

网站简介:Causes, testing, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of pelvic inflammatory disease.

83. Radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm

网站简介:Explains radiologic science and procedures. Public information provided by the American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America.

84. Womentc.comwomentc.com

网站简介:Presents details of the symptoms and management of vaginismus, dyspareunia, vulvar vestibulitis, and sexual dysfunction. Includes FAQ, articles, and resources for sale.

85. Fwhc.org/health/selfcare.htm

网站简介:Shows how to do a cervical or vaginal self-exam and identify problems. Also lists benefits of self-exams.

86. Endometriosisfoundation.orgendometriosisfoundation.org

网站简介:Organisation for research donation and authorization of international multi-centred research projects.

87. Menopause-metamorphosis.commenopause-metamorphosis.com

网站简介:Offers solutions for body, mind, and spirit. Includes solutions for thyroid health, fibromyalgia, hairy problems, male menopause, herbs for women taking HRT.

88. Nzendo.org.nznzendo.org.nz

网站简介:Offer education, information and support for girls and women with endometriosis and others interested in this disease. Provides adolescent education programme.

89. Bccewh.bc.cabccewh.bc.ca

网站简介:Facilitates research on the social determinants of health for marginalized women. Program details, news, events, supporting organizations, affiliates, grants, meetings, publications, contact information, mailing list and related links.

90. Helpingourteengirls.orghelpingourteengirls.org

网站简介:Atlanta-based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health and lives of black young women and girls. Site includes mission, programs, news, resources, partners, volunteer opportunities, and updates.

91. Emedicinehealth.com/pain_during_intercourse/article_em.htm

网站简介:Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of painful intercourse.

92. Emedicinehealth.com/menstrual_pain/article_em.htm

网站简介:Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment.

93. Menopause-rating-scale.infomenopause-rating-scale.info

网站简介:Gives details information about this scale developed in response to the lack of standardized scales to measure the severity of aging-symptoms, conducted by the ZEG Berlin.

94. Womenshealth.wisc.eduwomenshealth.wisc.edu

网站简介:Resources on various women's health topics from abortions to menopause, links to relevant sites, local and national.

95. Cdc.gov/nccdphp/sgr/women.htm

网站简介:Surgeon General's report on the beneficial effects of physical activity on women's health.

96. Angelfire.com/fl/endohystnhrt/

网站简介:Support, resources, and information about the procedure, including some information about hormone replacement therapy and endometriosis. Includes author's experiences and weekly newsletter available per request.

97. Emedicinehealth.com/female_sexual_problems/article_em.htm

网站简介:Consumer health resource center providing information on female sexuality.

98. Endosupport.com/endowp/

网站简介:A local group of the Endometriosis Association in the Minneapolis area, with general information and links to other resources.

99. Vabreastcenter.comvabreastcenter.com

网站简介:Description of diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases and services provided within a community breast center.

100. Endtoendo.comendtoendo.com

网站简介:Site for people who wish to participate in the genetic mapping of endometriosis sufferers. No information, but provide e-newsletter and discussion board.