
101. Academicdepartments.musc.edu/dentistry/

网站简介:Information on the Medical University of South Carolina Dental School.

102. Dentistsnearby.comdentistsnearby.com

网站简介:Dentistsnearby.com is a Malaysian Dental Clinic Directory which aims to provide you with relevant information about dental clinics near you . Be a volunteer today and help us update information about your favourite dental clinic here : http://dentistsnearby.com/contact-us.html If you are a Dentist yourself , please spare us 5 minutes and update your clinic's information here : http://dentistsnearby.com/listhere.html

103. Emergencydentistsusa.comemergencydentistsusa.com

网站简介:Directory of dentists available for urgent dental care after hours throughout the United States..

104. Sdm.uchc.edusdm.uchc.edu

网站简介:Offers postdoctoral training in all accredited dental education programs, along with continuing education programs in cooperation with professional organizations.

105. Dentists4kids.comdentists4kids.com

网站简介:Features a pediatric dentist directory and answers to common questions. Also includes resources for professionals, and online purchasing.

106. Dentalpower.comdentalpower.com

网站简介:Provides full-service staffing for temporary and permanent positions for dental practices.

107. Ntvt.nlntvt.nl

网站简介:Provides news, abstracts, case reports, selected medical articles, and informatics.

108. Adr.sagepub.comadr.sagepub.com

网站简介:Deals with exploration and discussion of research developments in dentistry and chemistry, biology, and function of the oral cavity in health and disease.

109. Dentistry.ouhsc.edudentistry.ouhsc.edu

网站简介:Providing quality dental education for Oklahoma and the nation.

110. E-s-e.eue-s-e.eu

网站简介:The ESE is a federal organisation of national endodontic societies within the European region. Provides a forum and a journal for members.

111. Dentalresource.orgdentalresource.org

网站简介:Provides information, resources, and answers for enhancing the oral and dental health of children.en.

112. Geodentist.comgeodentist.com

网站简介:Search for a dentist by state or city. Also has glossary, resources, contact submission form.

113. The-dentist.co.ukthe-dentist.co.uk

网站简介:A leading magazine for NHS and private dentists with up-to-date news stories and practice management issues. Includes an archive.

114. Americanseminar.comamericanseminar.com

网站简介:Quality continuing education available worldwide throughout the year.

115. Suvison.comsuvison.com

网站简介:Dental portal with information on companies, faculties, associations and conferences.

116. Jco-online.comjco-online.com

网站简介:Online copies of popular orthodontic journal with color pictures and animations.

117. Grortho.grgrortho.gr

网站简介:Provides bylaws, membership fees and an application, activities, a directory of the Board of Trustees and committees, a journal and links. Located in Athens, Greece. [Greek and English]

118. Wfo.orgwfo.org

网站简介:Annual meeting information, lists of meetings of other societies.

119. Nadp.orgnadp.org

网站简介:Promotes and advances the network-based dental plan industry in an effort to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care.

120. Cro.sagepub.comcro.sagepub.com

网站简介:Authoritative review articles of interest to a broad base of scientists engaged in dental research.

121. Patientnews.compatientnews.com

网站简介:Customized dental patient newsletters and postcard mailing services for dentists.

122. Saortho.orgsaortho.org

网站简介:News, meeting information, leadership contacts and links to resources for orthodontists and staff. The society covers the southern part of the United States.

123. Ifdh.orgifdh.org

网站简介:An international organization that unites dental hygiene associations from around the world.

124. Jamesonmanagement.comjamesonmanagement.com

网站简介:Offers comprehensive instruction in all phases of practice management.

125. Uab.edu/dentistry/home/

网站简介:Information on the DMD course and postgraduate education.