网站简介:Features card information and deck tips.
网站简介:San Francisco based group.
网站简介:Tournaments in Manchester Connecticut.
网站简介:The run-down on the latest expansion for INWO, complete with automatic rant generator.
网站简介:Free tips for beginners on improving game play.
网站简介:Online MTG inventory management, up-to-date collection evaluation and deck building with chart analysis, test draws and proxies.
网站简介:Hosts official tournaments. Based in Louisville, Kentucky.
网站简介:Discussion group containing file areas with artwork, and an Apprentice patch to allow on-line play.
网站简介:Discussion of judging and tournament issues in the Rocky Mountain Region, USA. Yahoo group.
网站简介:A mailing list for Dragon Storm. This list is for discussion of rules, generic questions, but not for discussion of new card ideas. Susan Van Camp and Mark Harmon both read this list.
网站简介:Mailing list for Dragon Storm. This list is for discussion of new card ideas, because Susan and Mark do not read it.
网站简介:Houston tournament and multiplayer listings. Yahoo group.
网站简介:Casual Magic in Los Angeles, USA. Yahoo group.
网站简介:San Diego County tournament listings. Yahoo group.
网站简介:Jeroen Van Gestel runs this trading mailing list, hosted at Yahoo Groups.
网站简介:Primary discussion list for Rage rules, announcements, updates, and events. Unregistered members can read messages, but membership is required to post or respond to messages.
网站简介:Rules, questions and answers, links, members, and tournament calendar.
网站简介:Provides downloadable files, pictures, community links and forums.
网站简介:Offers discussion on rules and strategies.
网站简介:Encyclopedic article with a play summary and card example.
网站简介:List of many clubs and teams on the meetup website.
网站简介:User comments, ratings, and reviews.
网站简介:Producer of hobby gaming systems, including Magic: the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and Star Wars TCG. Has detailed game information, books, events, company history, and news.