
76. Pcgen.sourceforge.netpcgen.sourceforge.net

网站简介:An open source java based character generator with rules for many d20 based games.

77. Miniworld.com/adnd

网站简介:Features online generators for characters, treasure, populations, surges, and spell books.

78. Battlegroundsgames.combattlegroundsgames.com

网站简介:A virtual tabletop software that allows to play any RPG online or offline. It is cross-platform, and includes features like Fog of War.

79. Therionarms.comtherionarms.com

网站简介:Contains information on costuming, combat armor, hand gonnes, and dress armor.

80. Whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

网站简介:Editable database for all things White Wolf.

81. Highprogrammer.com/alan/gaming/

网站简介:A selection of practical tips for game masters and players of any system, information about some Gaming Conventions, and resources for Amber, Dungeons and Dragons, and Shadowrun.

82. Freelancetraveller.comfreelancetraveller.com

网站简介:Large monthly web-zine for Traveller in all forms: fiction, reviews, articles, reference lists, forms, programs.

83. Zompist.com/kit.html

网站简介:Intended for anyone who wants to create artificial languages -- for a fantasy or an alien world, as a hobby, as an interlanguage. It presents linguistically sound methods for creating naturalistic languages -- which can be reversed to create non-naturalistic languages.

84. Rpgattitude.comrpgattitude.com

网站简介:A website that contains new generator programs for the D20 system such as the NPC and Treasure Generator.

85. Ffproject.comffproject.com

网站简介:Play original FF titles online.

86. Dp9.comdp9.com

网站简介:Producers of a range of role-playing games as well as producing a range of miniatures compatible with the games.

87. Errantdreams.comerrantdreams.com

网站简介:Features articles, essays, reviews, and email newsletters.

88. Hyboria.xoth.nethyboria.xoth.net

网站简介:A gameworld with monsters, spells, magical items, adventures, and characters.

89. Spelljammer.orgspelljammer.org

网站简介:Official website featuring game conversions, collection of monsters, ships, magic, characters, and variant rules from contributors.

90. Rpggamer.orgrpggamer.org

网站简介:Editorials, wallpapers, gallery, information on the author's play group, game hints, adventures, house rules, Star Wars d6 resources and information and a list of magical items in Warhammer fantasy.

91. Belegarth.combelegarth.com

网站简介:About the group, forum, event schedule, downloadable rules.

92. Columbiagames.comcolumbiagames.com

网站简介:Offers wooden block board games, historical card games, and fantasy roleplaying products.

93. Eclipsephase.comeclipsephase.com

网站简介:Presents the post-apocalyptic transhuman game and offers a developer blog, forums and resources. PDFs are licensed under Creative Commons license and also available for free on the developers personal blog.

94. Theescapist.comtheescapist.com

网站简介:Features an unofficial homepage for CAR-PGa (The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games).

95. Dieheart.netdieheart.net

网站简介:Sophia blogt über Pen&Paper-Rollenspiel und verwandte Themen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf freien und regelarmen Regelsystemen, narrativen Systemen, Systemen für Kinder, Spielleitertipps und gelegentlichen Spielrundenberichten.

96. Pmulcahy.compmulcahy.com

网站简介:Information on multiple types of weapons, vehicles, professions, equipment and rules.

97. Knightrealms.comknightrealms.com

网站简介:Rulebook, basic calendar of events, information on how to build weapons. [US]

98. Drowcampaign.roleplaynexus.comdrowcampaign.roleplaynexus.com

网站简介:Drow campaign; online gaming project in the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms; resources.

99. Farfuture.netfarfuture.net

网站简介:The GDW historical site detailing GDW's efforts to publish 2300 AD. Soon to contain information on the coming reprints of 2300 AD.

100. Criarmundos.do.sapo.ptcriarmundos.do.sapo.pt

网站简介:A step-by-step guide for creating original settings and incorporating realistic details. Various resources and references. In English and Portuguese.