网站简介:Model kit and hobby supplies manufacturer.
网站简介:Public editable, fan-made encyclopedia that is about the tabletop game.
网站简介:2-Part liquid plastic resin casting compound for creating or copying, and for business, hobby or craft use.
网站简介:Has forums, advice and hints on buying and painting miniatures and user-submitted galleries. Portal with topical message boards, galleries and links, as well as downloads, reviews and stories set in the Games Workshop worlds.
网站简介:Wargame Rules Designers based in the UK with an ever increasing range of products.
网站简介:Producers of a varied selection of miniatures and accessories, including terrain and scenic pieces in 25mm scale. See also Old Glory 15s.
网站简介:Sells bits online for Warhammer, Warhammer 40000 and specialist games.
网站简介:Covers everything from miniature war gaming including tactics and strategy, to painting and collecting. Covers many of the popular gaming supplements and rule systems.
网站简介:Specializing in Warhammer and Warhammer 40K selling bits and sprues as well as proxy parts.
网站简介:Produces miniatures and accessories in 15 and 25mm scales, in a selection of periods, ranging from ancient and historical to fantasy.
网站简介:Offers a catalog of available products, frequently asked questions, a forum, and player photos.
网站简介:Producers of a fine selection of 28mm scale WWII and medieval miniatures intended for collectors and gamers alike.
网站简介:Australian company in Melbourne casting military miniatures.
网站简介:Beginners learn how to turn a lifeless piece of metal into something you'll be proud of. Painting veterans will find tips and tricks not found anywhere else on the web.
网站简介:An online club promoting De Bellis Antiquitatis and related gaming rules. Wargaming and historical resources, forum, bookstore and online marketplace.
网站简介:Manufacturer of several collectable miniature games and figures including Mage Knight, MechWarrior,HeroClix, MLB SportsClix, and Pirates the Constructible Strategy Game.
网站简介:Paints all kinds of figures, but specializes in 25-30mm fantasy and sci-fi. Also offers conversion work and video tour. Located in California, United States.
网站简介:Site focusing on the Tau race. Features tactics based articles and modeling guides.
网站简介:Former Foundry sculptor Mark Copplestone's own range of miniature figures that include Darkest Africa, Future Wars and Back of Beyond pieces.
网站简介:Official website of the miniature production company operated by renowned miniature artist Werner Klocke with many unique sculpts available.
网站简介:Famous fictitious brewery that includes new rules for a selection of Games Workshop games and a links section and active forum.
网站简介:Creators of a do-it-yourself range of moulding products, including many historical and fantasy orientated moulds, and other recreational products, such as chess sets that can be cast at home.
网站简介:Small selection of multi-part kit miniatures, more suited to the collector, and ideal for those who like dioramas.
网站简介:Manufacturers of several ranges of white metal and resin miniatures, including science fiction pieces, buildings and accessories.
网站简介:Manufacturers of a selection of 10mm wargaming figurines, with accessories and scenic items also available.