
126. Ronklingerbridge.comronklingerbridge.com

网站简介:Offers daily problems, a weekly quiz, and an extensive library of articles. Store includes books, DVDs, software and teacher resources.

127. Bantha.org/~develin/cardgames.html

网站简介:Provides game rules and strategy for Creights, Barbu, Ninety-nine, Psychological Jujitsu and Canadian Fish.

128. Libridge.comlibridge.com

网站简介:Game and member information available for Long Island bridge club.

129. Pagat.com/boston/spades.html

网站简介:Rules and tactics for two, three, four and six player regular and variant games.

130. Dvorakgame.co.ukdvorakgame.co.uk

网站简介:Rules for this do-it-yourself card game, with a full archive of past decks.

131. Whistclub.orgwhistclub.org

网站简介:The Whist Club, Unit 125, officers, schedule, contact information, links.

132. Whiteknucklecards.com/games/

网站简介:Includes Bezique, Euchre, Skat, Polignac, and other games by game family.

133. Dutchblitz.comdutchblitz.com

网站简介:Publishers official site with rules, hints and tips and how to buy the game.

134. D21acbl.comd21acbl.com

网站简介:Serves northern California and part of northern Nevada. Includes tournament schedule, events, units and masterpoint standings.

135. Tistis.nl/pbn/

网站简介:Architecture-independent universal notation for Bridge games. Standards documents, databases, software.

136. Bridgewebs.com/camberley/

网站简介:Provides club news, games schedules and results, and their calendar of events.

137. Contractbridge.net/rotorua/

网站简介:Presents the schedule of games and results, practical information.

138. Alpharettadbc.orgalpharettadbc.org

网站简介:Bridge lessons, information, 2001 World Wide Bridge contest results, 2000 Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney results and contact information.

139. Acolbridgeclub.comacolbridgeclub.com

网站简介:London club where the eponymous bidding system was introduced. Includes schedule (Duplicate, Chicago, supervised play and Rubber), news and lessons.

140. Pagat.com/invented/

网站简介:Rules for a number of recently invented card games.

141. Cardsanddominoes.com/html/gins.html

网站简介:Features rules, history and overview for Gin Rummy games.

142. Ribridge.orgribridge.org

网站简介:Rhode Island Bridge Association provides tournament dates and results, masterpoint rankings, newsletter, clubs and member information.

143. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canasta

网站简介:Contains rules for 2 to 6 players, variations and sections on Caliente and Hand and Foot versions of the game.

144. Unit166.caunit166.ca

网站简介:Serves Toronto and Southern Ontario. Includes newsletter, tournament information and results, club directory and player standings. [ON]

145. District7bridge.orgdistrict7bridge.org

网站简介:Serves North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and eastern Tennessee. Includes event, tournament, unit and club information.

146. Bridgeteaching.combridgeteaching.com

网站简介:Presents weblog, lessons and teaching materials. Includes online playing recommendations and book and software reviews.

147. Unotips.orgunotips.org

网站简介:A guide to playing the game with tips, strategy and theory of the game.

148. Hamiltonbridge.comhamiltonbridge.com

网站简介:Offers games for players of all levels. Games schedule and results, tournament calendar, articles and practical information. [ON]

149. Thebridgeplace.comthebridgeplace.com

网站简介:Class, game and tournament schedules. Results and contact information.

150. Aceofclubsbridgeclub.co.ukaceofclubsbridgeclub.co.uk

网站简介:Provides duplicate, supervised play, Chicago, lessons. In North Finchley.