网站简介:Satirical questions and answers on how to act on Usenet.
网站简介:Official home page of this moderated newsgroup whose purpose is the dissemination of questions and answers about Usenet and the Internet. Also contains FAQs, links to many helpful sites and newsgroups as well as administrative documents.
网站简介:Information on how to create newsgroups - guidelines for choosing a hierarchy, as well as notes on newsgroup creation in various hierarchies.
网站简介:Basic information about Satanism and the Church of Satan, including explanations of sins and symbolism and information about becoming a member.
网站简介:The frequently asked questions file for the alt.magick.tantra usenet newsgroup. Discussions within this forum include sacred sex, tantra of all types, karezza, and sex magick.
网站简介:A detailed guide to creating alt newsgroups. What to do and, more importantly, what not to do when creating a group.
网站简介:Tim Pierce's New's Hacking page. Includes links to RFC 977, 1036, son-of-1036.
网站简介:Presentation of this newsgroup and other similar ones like alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork that were formed with the playful spirit of requiring all posts to have every line in the form alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb.verb.
网站简介:Brad Templeton recalls the early days of the Internet and the rise of Usenet.
网站简介:The FAQ for the newsgroup about people who relate strongly to animals and/or furries in a way that impacts their personalities and/or way of life.
网站简介:Details about Furrynet, a private news hierarchy for furries.
网站简介:Weightlifting and bodybuilding.
网站简介:Discuss serious, mundane, or silly issues. Flirt and share embarrassing personal secrets. Have fun. Explanation of common terms and abbreviations used on and general hints for posting articles there.
网站简介:Explanation of common terms and abbreviations used on (and many other conversational newsgroups) and general hints for posting articles there.
网站简介:Open source PHP script that enables access to a newsserver (by NNTP) from a webpage. It allows to combine web-forums and newsgroups.
网站简介:An alternate to the Freenix Top 1000 site.
网站简介:New Jersey, United States. Rules, checkgroups, administration, list of groups.
网站简介:Frequently asked question on folk, roots and acoustic music in and from the UK. Maintained by Steve Mansfield.
网站简介:Provides web and NNTP access. Separate daily download limits on 18 different servers. [ Reseller]
网站简介:Gives additional information that cannot be told within the frequently published charter and presents guidelines on how to make postings, along with hints on how to get access to the newsgroup.
网站简介:Hosts the unofficial FAQ of alt.binaries.sounds.anime which includes general information on binary newsgroups and related tools as well as specific guidelines for this newsgroups.
网站简介:The FAQ and charter of the newsgroup dedicated to Malta and the Maltese.
网站简介:About an anthology of short stories created by internationally diverse writers from alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo. Includes history, author details, and news group FAQs.
网站简介:Includes an unofficial FAQ for the newsgroup and an archive of interesting articles until 2001.