
176. Ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~moehler/synthspeech/examples.html

网站简介:Commented examples of speech synthesis for 25 languages.

177. Noel.feld.cvut.cz/speechlab/

网站简介:Czech Technical University research focusing on enhancement of speech in the running car environment, speech recognition and to creating of databases of natural language. Demo available for doing spectral subtraction on your own data.

178. Ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html

网站简介:A voice processing toolbox for Matlab, very useful for prototyping algorithms and has routines to do most of the basic useful tasks in speech.

179. Olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/cpg_voicerecorders.asp

网站简介:Olympus makes Digital Voice Recorders which can be used for off line recording with subsequent transcription by computer using various speech to text software. D150, D1000 and others supported by IBM ViaVoice, Dragon Systems.

180. Www-speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/

网站简介:Stanford Research Institute Language Modeling toolkit is a collection of C++ libraries, executable programs, and helper scripts designed to allow both production of and experimentation with statistical language models for speech recognition and other applications. SRILM is freely available for noncommercial purposes.

181. Csr.com/products/technology

网站简介:Offers audio processing, direct digital feedback amplifier technology, bluetooth, WiFi and other audio technologies. Software and hardware solutions.

182. Zvon.org/xxl/VoiceXMLReference/Output/index.html

网站简介:Complete Voice XML reference with clickable examples.

183. Project.uet.itgo.comproject.uet.itgo.com

网站简介:Pakistani Electrical Engineer offers basic level of information for implementing speech enabled applications using TAPI, MAPI and WAPI. A starter site for students and beginners.

184. Limsi.fr/tlp/

网站简介:Main activities of the spoken language processing group cover the following domains: speech recognition, speech understanding, dialog systems, speaker and language recognition, speech translation and audio indexation.

185. Emofilt.syntheticspeech.deemofilt.syntheticspeech.de

网站简介:Prosody-filter to simulate emotional arousal with speech synthesis based on the free-for-non-commercial-use MBROLA synthesis engine available in Java.

186. Ttssamples.syntheticspeech.dettssamples.syntheticspeech.de

网站简介:A commented overview of commercial and scientific TTS (text-to-speech) -systems for the German language with examples.

187. Textspeak.com/oemtts.htm

网站简介:TextSpeak(tm) speech synthesis chip sets and plug-in modules accept RS-232 text, keyboard and wireless input. Low cost, unlimited vocabulary, designed for consumer and VARs. Purchase online.

188. Voiceinterconnect.de/index.php

网站简介:Anbieter von proprietärer Spracherkennung und Sprachsynthese, Algorithmen zur Sprach/Pauseerkennung, Geräuschunterdrückung und Echokompensation, Dienstleistungsangebot zur Algorithmenentwicklung und Sprachdatensammlung.

189. Reqall.comreqall.com

网站简介:Transforms smart phones into tools for jogging your memory by integrating your conversations and verbal notes into your daily working, searching, and phoning environment.

190. Silentsoftware.blogspot.comsilentsoftware.blogspot.com

网站简介:Weblog for Microsoft Speech Server, VBSalt, and speech application development.

191. Speakrightframework.blogspot.comspeakrightframework.blogspot.com

网站简介:Open source framework for writing VoiceXML applications in Java.

192. Infoquick.com.cninfoquick.com.cn

网站简介:Focus on speech technology research and development in Chinese language, including TTS and ASR.

193. 1stvoice.com1stvoice.com

网站简介:Dragon NaturallySpeaking reseller. On-line video demonstration.

194. 1stvoicesolutions.com1stvoicesolutions.com

网站简介:Official UK/Worldwide distributors for Dragon NaturallySpeaking software.

195. Voicerecognition.comvoicerecognition.com

网站简介:Online store offering Dragon, Lernout and Hauspie, IBM software as well as microphones and digital recorders for dictation and transcription.

196. 2ndspeechcenter.com2ndspeechcenter.com

网站简介:Multilingual Desktop Reader, converts to mp3. Trial version downloadable.

197. Atr.netatr.net

网站简介:Markets a variety of speech products for industry including voiceprint, text to speech and airport security systems. Good online text to speech demo.

198. Alternateaccess.comalternateaccess.com

网站简介:Provides e-business solutions for companies who value the telephone as their communication lifeline to customers.

199. Apptera.comapptera.com

网站简介:Intelligent voice solutions to help enterprises offer callers an efficient way to manage their accounts, place and track orders, and find locations from any phone. Company information, customer profiles, product FAQs, and demonstrations.

200. Artix.ruartix.ru

网站简介:Specializes in development of telephony software based on Intel/Dialogic boards such as fax servers, voice and fax messaging. News and pricing information. Based in Russia.