
126. Lexacom.co.uklexacom.co.uk

网站简介:Provides organizations a flexible, efficient digital dictation solution - whether at the office or out and about. Has software for Pocket PC.

127. Voicepc.cavoicepc.ca

网站简介:Toronto based Dragon Systems reseller offering speech-enabled hardware, software and support packages, also for persons with disabilities.

128. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_synthesis

网站简介:Overview article from free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

129. Speech.philips.comspeech.philips.com

网站简介:Worldwide provider of speech recognition solutions for telephony, voice portals, automotive and consumer embedded systems, medical and legal dictation with multi-lingual capabilities. SDK's available for inclusion of speech recognition in business systems.

130. Logictree.comlogictree.com

网站简介:Provider of speech-enabled business automation and call center solutions.

131. Liberatedlearning.comliberatedlearning.com

网站简介:Technology which automatically transcribes spoken language and displays it as readable text. Developing speech recognition technology as a means to accessible and barrier-free learning.

132. Email2phone.netemail2phone.net

网站简介:Provides solutions for converting email messages into high quality human voice messages that are then delivered to a telephone number that you specify. Pricing information, answers to frequently asked questions, and affiliates.

133. Phonologies.comphonologies.com

网站简介:Phonologies develops and markets core voice technologies based on VoiceXML and SIP, and customized voice application solutions.

134. Gbsvoice.comgbsvoice.com

网站简介:Warehouse applications using voice, wireless, and wearable technologies to provide automation and productivity solutions for warehouse management, distribution, and manufacturing systems. Partnered with Syvox.

135. W3.org/TR/speech-synthesis/

网站简介:The W3C specifications used by VXML to provide speech synthesis.

136. Voice4net.comvoice4net.com

网站简介:Designs, develops, implements, and hosts custom IVR/Web self-service solutions for touchtone phone or web browser. Has a 'try it before you buy it' option for multi office enterprises.

137. Grittec.comgrittec.com

网站简介:Research and development of the unique algorithms in the field of DSP, speech and audio processing. Research focused on speaker identification (voice biometric), speech enhancement (noise cancellation), speech concealment (PLC), speech recognition, and speech synthesis (audio effects).

138. Kiecza.net/daniel/linux/

网站简介:CVoiceControl is a speech recognition system that allows the user to connect spoken commands to Unix commands.

139. Ihear.comihear.com

网站简介:Services, products and information to enable hearing in machines. Includes some demos and details of models of complex sound pattern recognition.

140. Verascape.comverascape.com

网站简介:Provides a turn-key platform for running VoiceXML applications. Customization of hardware, speech recognition, text-to-speech, VoiceXML browser and cabling done in an ISO9000 facility. Installation in under a day.

141. Rcsys.com/chips.htm

网站简介:DoubleTalk RC8650 Text to speech / voice synthesizer chip set is low overhead design. Development kit available.

142. Zephyr-tec.comzephyr-tec.com

网站简介:Specializes in helping people select and use speech recognition software and digital dictation systems. World wide training using an instructor-led one-on-one on-line training method.

143. Speak-it.comspeak-it.com

网站简介:Provides insights into purchasing and using Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Products, resources, help, and support.

144. Viogroup.co.ukviogroup.co.uk

网站简介:Provides voice and data networks, in addition to a variety of security equipment, to both the public and private UK sectors. Telecommunication and security services information.

145. Groups.csail.mit.edu/sls/sls-blue-noflash.shtml

网站简介:Research initiatives for improving the interaction between people and computers via natural spoken language. Publications, news and events, and profiles of researchers.

146. Everspeech.comeverspeech.com

网站简介:Speech technology consulting and solutions specializing in voice-enabling Web-based and hands-free applications such as inspection, assembly, maintenance, repair, and data entry.

147. Speakingnaturally.comspeakingnaturally.com

网站简介:Dragon NaturallySpeaking reseller. Offers testimonials, system requirements, upgrades, mobility information, microphones, and a video demo.

148. Speech-interface.comspeech-interface.com

网站简介:Turn-key industrial speech recognition solutions supplier. News and events, company history, and support information.

149. Meridian-one.co.ukmeridian-one.co.uk

网站简介:Downloads and support for Orpheus, a multilingual TTS engine providing unit selection and formant synthesis voices.

150. Speech.cs.cmu.edu/comp.speech/

网站简介:Provides a range of information on speech technology, including speech synthesis, speech recognition, speech coding, and related material. Pages look a little old (1997) but a very wide range of FAQ here. Algorithm for building simple recognizers.