
51. Hotscripts.comhotscripts.com

网站简介:Extensive collection of ASP, Perl, PHP, C/C , JavaScript, XML, and other CGI scripts and resources.

52. Dynamicdrive.comdynamicdrive.com

网站简介:A comprehensive DHTML code library.

53. 123contactform.com123contactform.com

网站简介:Make HTML forms for your website. Use an online wizard to design contact forms with field validation, multiple recipients and custom templates.

54. Https://www.devexpress.com/

网站简介:ASP.NET - WinForms - Silverlight - WPF Components and Controls - Application Frameworks - Reporting - Presentation Controls

55. Joomlart.comjoomlart.com

网站简介:Professional Joomla templates for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1, Magento themes. offering responsive and RTL layouts. Free themes available

56. Forum.joomla.orgforum.joomla.org

网站简介:Official community message board for support, discussion, and interaction with the Core Team.

57. Highcharts.comhighcharts.com

网站简介:Interactive JavaScript charts for web pages.

58. Gavick.comgavick.com

网站简介:Joomla templates club. Offers a resource of free and professional Joomla templates, menusand modules.

59. Caniuse.com/#cats=JS_API

网站简介:Compatibility tables, browser comparatives, for JavaScript APIs.

60. Sencha.comsencha.com

网站简介:Creates development frameworks and tools that help design, develop and deploy applications for desktop and mobile devices.

61. Thesitewizard.comthesitewizard.com

网站简介:Articles and tutorials on HTML, ASP, JavaScript, PHP. Newsletters, books, website guides.

62. Rockettheme.comrockettheme.com

网站简介:The Premiere Joomla Template Club. Professional quality designs available for our club members, with new Joomla templates released every month.

63. Tomcat.apache.orgtomcat.apache.org

网站简介:An Open Source JSP and Servlet Container from the Apache Foundation.

64. Wampserver.comwampserver.com

网站简介:An installation package installs Apache, PHP5 and MySQL on Windows platform. It comes with a service manager as an icon tray and lots of options.

65. Cakephp.orgcakephp.org

网站简介:Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility. [Open source, MIT License]

66. Webdeveloper.comwebdeveloper.com

网站简介:A forum where web developers and designers learn how to build websites, program in HTML, Java, and JavaScript.

67. Zend.comzend.com

网站简介:A bottom-up rewrite of the PHP scripting engine. It features a modular architecture, vastly improved performance, and greater scalability. [Commercial]

68. Jboss.orgjboss.org

网站简介:Includes source, documentation, downloads, and user forums. [Open Source, LGPL]

69. Jquerymobile.comjquerymobile.com

网站简介:JQuery Mobile is a HTML5 based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible in the vast majority of smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.

70. Phpclasses.orgphpclasses.org

网站简介:Freely available programming classes of objects written with the web scripting language named PHP.HP.

71. Https://www.phpbb.com/

网站简介:Official site, offering news, support, and downloads of the forum software, modifications, and templates.

72. Cdnjs.comcdnjs.com

网站简介:An open source CDN for JavaScript and CSS sponsored by CloudFlare.

73. Https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nodejs

网站简介:Mailing list, discussion forums.

74. Cprogramming.comcprogramming.com

网站简介:A Web site designed to help learning C or C++. Also provides C and C++ programming resources.

75. Expressjs.comexpressjs.com

网站简介:Sinatra inspired web development framework for node.js.