
51. Par-tec.compar-tec.com

网站简介:Sells high-performance clusters. Product and contact information.

52. Lobos.nih.govlobos.nih.gov

网站简介:At the National Institute for Health. System configuration, status, benchmarks, links to software, news articles, and information for users.

53. Clusternfs.sourceforge.netclusternfs.sourceforge.net

网站简介:Patches to NFS to permit diskless clients to mount a root filesystem. Source code and documentation.

54. Sourceforge.net/projects/irsr/

网站简介:Grid Computing style meta system which utilizes the Internet's existing web hosting 'grid' as its platform. It's effectively a distributed private/portable PC system built by integrating existing Open Source components.

55. Pvm-plus-plus.sourceforge.netpvm-plus-plus.sourceforge.net

网站简介:A C++ library for PVM.

56. Pvmgmake.sourceforge.netpvmgmake.sourceforge.net

网站简介:A GNU make which uses PVM to build in parallel on several remote machines.

57. Pypvm.sourceforge.netpypvm.sourceforge.net

网站简介:PVM bindings for Python. Source code.

58. Sourceforge.net/projects/sce/

网站简介:A set of interoperable opensource tools that enable users to build and use Beowulf cluster effectively to solve their problems. It consist of a cluster builder tool, complex system management tool (SCMS), scalable real-time monitoring, Web base monitoring software (KCAP), parallel Unix command, and batch scheduler.

59. Research.ibm.com/haifa/Workshops/padtad2008/

网站简介:Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging. In conjunction with International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. July 20–21, Seattle, Washington, USA.

60. Supertech.csail.mit.edu/cilk/

网站简介:A language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Source code, manual, papers, and research into parallel chess programs.

61. Ics05.csail.mit.eduics05.csail.mit.edu

网站简介:19th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing. June 19–22, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

62. Eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/proj/old/jaguar/

网站简介:Java Access to Generic Underlying Architectural Resources; Java runtime environment extension, allows direct Java access to operating system and hardware resources, such as fast network interfaces, memory-mapped and programmed I/O, specialized machine instruction sets.

63. Science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast28may99_1.htm

网站简介:NASA uses a parallel computer to classify new life forms.

64. Citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary

网站简介:Scientific literature digital library and search engine.

65. Eecs.umich.edu/~qstout/tut/index.html

网站简介:Description of a tutorial about converting serial programs to parallel programs.

66. Ftp://ftp.tc.cornell.edu/pub/ARCH/ARCH.v.2/


67. Exodus.physics.ucla.edu/appleseed/

网站简介:Information for clustering and writing programs for Macintoshes using MPI. Source code, tutorials, and benchmarks.

68. Exodus.physics.ucla.edu/appleseed/dev/Developer.html

网站简介:Implementation of MPI for Mac OS 9.

69. Exodus.physics.ucla.edu/appleseed/appleseed.html

网站简介:How to make a cluster from Apple computers. Papers, benchmarks, and software for distributing jobs across a cluster.

70. Cs.washington.edu/research/zpl/index.html

网站简介:An array programming language. Sample code, papers, recipes, reference manual, and source code.

71. Pages.cs.wisc.edu/~paradyn/

网站简介:Measurement and analysis tool for parallel programs that use MPI. Papers, source code, binaries, and manuals.

72. Cs.wisc.edu/multifacet/

网站简介:Research to improve the performance of multiprocessor servers. Theses and other publications.

73. Cs.utexas.edu/users/code/

网站简介:CODE is a visual parallel programming system that composes sequential programs into parallel programs for shared-memory multiprocessors and workstations running MPI or PVM.

74. Cs.utexas.edu/users/psp/welcome.html

网站简介:PSP stands for Programs, Specifications and Proofs. The emphasis of the work of our group is to derive parallel and distributed programs in a rigorous manner.

75. Cs.umd.edu/projects/cvm/

网站简介:A distributed shared memory system. Papers and bibliography.