
26. Intellithought.comintellithought.com

网站简介:Intellithought: Network Support, Custom Application Development,Intranet, Web and eCommerce

27. Iorg.com/papers/knowledge.html

网站简介:Basic concepts and definitions of intranets as knowledge management systems. Also provides white papers and tools.

28. Iorg.comiorg.com

网站简介:Information on the adoption and management of intranet and internet solutions by people and organizations.

29. Operitel.comoperitel.com

网站简介:Operitel is a front line, leading edge, software development team with three complementary product and consulting lines: E-Commerce, E-Learning, and Knowledge Management (KM). Operitel has gained a reputation for efficiency, innovation, and high quality product support

30. Orionsmith.comorionsmith.com

网站简介:Provides business consulting services and implements corporate enterprise portals.

31. Sutrosoftware.comsutrosoftware.com

网站简介:Provides Vignette Portal related software and services.

32. Viador.comviador.com

网站简介:Develops and markets Internet software which enables businesses to build enterprise information portals.