
126. Oldwww.acm.org/chapters/sigchi_nz/

网站简介:Local chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group, New Zealand.

127. Pssigchi.acm.orgpssigchi.acm.org

网站简介:Local chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group, Bellevue, Washington, United States.

128. Acm.org/uist/

网站简介:Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

129. Members.shaw.ca/jeff.brace/

网站简介:Consulting services include business analysis, information architecture, user interface design, and usability evaluations. Located in British Columbia, Canada.

130. Isrc.umbc.eduisrc.umbc.edu

网站简介:Investigate design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems. Baltimore, United States.

131. Llc.rpi.edullc.rpi.edu

网站简介:Language, literature, and communication department offers an MS in Technical communication with a concentration in human computer interaction. New York, United States.

132. Dcs.gla.ac.uk/gist/

网站简介:Inter-disciplinary research group investigating all aspects of interactive systems. Contains material on topics like multimodal interaction, interactive teaching and learning, and graphical authentication. United Kingdom.

133. Scis.nova.edu/nova/hci/top.html

网站简介:HCI as a part of the Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences. Florida, United States.es.

134. Users.skynet.be/fa250900/

网站简介:Sim D'Hertefelt offers services for designing usable interactive systems, includes articles. Located in Belgium.

135. Dsi.unive.it/avi2006/

网站简介:International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. Venezia, Italy. 23-26 May 2006.

136. People.lis.uiuc.edu/~twidale/irinterfaces/

网站简介:An annotated bibliography of graphical interfaces to information retrieval systems, including 2D and 3D visualizations of query results.

137. Cs.york.ac.uk/hci/

网站简介:Pursue research into the design and evaluation of interactive systems. Includes researches description, events and resources. United Kingdom.

138. Cs.uta.fi/nordichi2004/

网站简介:Nordic forum for human-computer interaction research. 26-27 Oct 2004. Tampere, Finland.

139. Personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/~mdd/mobilehci04/

网站简介:6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 13-16 Sep 2004. Glasgow, Scotland.

140. Nngroup.com/events/

网站简介:Events organized by the Nielsen Norman Group. Topics include user experience design for websites, intranets, software, and products, usability lifecycle, intranet usability, and information foraging.

141. Nngroup.com/articles/noncommand/

网站简介:Future UIs vs. today's canonical window system: user focus, computer's role, interface control, syntax, object visibility, interaction stream, bandwidth, tracking feedback, interface locus, user programming, software packaging.

142. Hcilab.uniud.it/sigchi/

网站简介:Local chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group, Pisa, Italy.

143. Uie.com/events/uiconf/

网站简介:Annual conference for web designers, information architects, and usability professionals. October. Cambridge, MA.

144. Rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/~diehl/softvis/org/softvis03/

网站简介:ACM symposium on software visualization. 11-13 Jun 2003. San Diego, USA.

145. Mobilehci.soberit.hut.fimobilehci.soberit.hut.fi

网站简介:8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. Espoo, Finland. 12-15 September 2006.

146. Edcis2002.fh-brandenburg.deedcis2002.fh-brandenburg.de

网站简介:Engineering and deployment of cooperative information systems. 17-20 Sep 2002. Beijing, China.

147. Gate.ac.uk/conferences/um2005/

网站简介:10th International Conference on User Modeling. 24-30 Jul 2005. Edinburgh, UK.

148. Gate.ac.uk/conferences/um2005/um05.html

网站简介:10th International Conference on User Modeling. 24 - 30 July 2005. Edinburgh, UK.

149. Nordichi.net.dynamicweb.dknordichi.net.dynamicweb.dk

网站简介:"Changing roles" - 4th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Oslo, Norway. 14-18th October 2006.

150. Humanics-es.com/cyberg-ergonomics.htm

网站简介:"Meeting Diversity in Cyber/Online Ergonomics" - The Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics. 15 Sep - 15 Oct 2005.