
26. Gracehopper.orggracehopper.org

网站简介:The fourth in a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Includes schedule and hotel information.

27. Eingang.org/Lecture/

网站简介:An overview of the developments that allowed the modern day computer to arise from first principles, including looking at Stonehenge, ENIAC, Pascaline, and Turing machines.

28. Emeagwali.comemeagwali.com

网站简介:Official site of Philip Emeagwali, voted Africa's greatest scientist by New African for his work on supercomputer development. Includes booking details plus links to speeches and articles.

29. Papert.orgpapert.org

网站简介:Expert on how technology can provide new ways to learn, his contributions go beyond education: mathematician and cofounder with Marvin Minsky of MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, founding faculty member of MIT Media Lab, where he works now. Worked for many years with Jean Piaget at University of Geneva, Switzerland.

30. Research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/blampson/

网站简介:His page at Microsoft Research. Many useful papers, links, including a list of all of his projects.

31. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann

网站简介:Growing biography, with links to related topics. [Wikipedia]

32. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Hopper

网站简介:Growing biography, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia]

33. Imdb.com/name/nm0423418/

网站简介:Entry as actor and producer in the Internet Movie Database. Filmography and pictures.

34. Cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/

网站简介:Manuscripts of Edsger W. Dijkstra, a collection of over 1,300 written works, famously known as EWDs. Also, In Pursuit of Simplicity symposium. Format: PDF.

35. Audio-video.gnu.orgaudio-video.gnu.org

网站简介:Watch video or listen to audio recordings of speeches and other events related to the Free Software Foundation or the GNU project.

36. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman

网站简介:Encyclopaedia entry, includes brief history, the GNU project, activism and personal life.

37. Cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/Files/hopper-story.html


38. Zuse.zib.dezuse.zib.de

网站简介:Large Zuse site: papers, comments, programs, replicas, image gallery, links.

39. Gopher://quux.org/


40. Fsf.org/blogs/rms/

网站简介:List resources about events, recent topics and discussions by date.

41. Forbes.com/profile/steve-jobs/

网站简介:Forbes 400 profile. Includes net worth, news and connections.

42. Pc-history.orgpc-history.org

网站简介:Devoted to the history of the PC, covers all types of personal computers from 1970 to present.

43. Computernostalgia.netcomputernostalgia.net

网站简介:Articles and photos on many topics user submitted content with Wiki-style editing for registered users photo gallery, forum, feedback.

44. Pbs.org/nerds/

网站简介:Biographies, an interactive game, and a questions and answers forum trace the birth of the personal computer at this PBS companion site.

45. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Moore

网站简介:Growing biography, with links to related topics. [Wikipedia]

46. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Knuth

网站简介:Growing article, with many links to related topics. [Wikipedia]

47. Kurzweiltech.comkurzweiltech.com

网站简介:Research, development and marketing firm. Technologies: pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, signal processing, simulating natural processes, related.

48. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Ritchie

网站简介:Encyclopedia article, with brief history, awards, quotes, and bibliography.

49. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Kay

网站简介:Growing article, with links to related topics. Wikipedia.

50. Naur.comnaur.com

网站简介:Introduction to the works of Peter Naur, legendary Danish computer scientist, key in the creation of Algol 60, the N in BNF. Online papers, bibliography, book. English, Dansk.