
76. Phreedom.orgphreedom.org

网站简介:Bulgarian hackers eZine offering user feedback, articles, faqs and archive of independent security research.

77. Phreak.chphreak.ch

网站简介:Phreaking site. Homebrew hardware and software, links. Nokia bluboxing, voip chat, sip, gsm, gprs, umts, ss7, R2, C5, signalling information, text files.

78. Wardriving.comwardriving.com

网站简介:Wardriving news hub with archives and links.

79. Cs.umd.edu/faq/Passwords.shtml

网站简介:Tips on choosing a difficult to crack password and pitfalls in password selection.

80. Undergroundnews.comundergroundnews.com

网站简介:UGN Security is one of the internet's largest HPCA communities. We have an extencive file and texts archive and a large IRC and Bulletin Board chat.

81. Members.tripod.com/irish_ronan/rsa/

网站简介:Discusses security problems and possible attacks against the RSA cryptosystem.

82. News.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3704009.stm

网站简介:Article on the German teenager whose Sasser worm caused global disruption.

83. Mit.edu/hacker/hacker.html

网站简介:Complete text of the book by Bruce Sterling. Provides an insight into the origins, thinking and culture which produced "cyberpunk."

84. Cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/hackers.html

网站简介:Paper about developing ethics in teenage hackers.

85. Cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/netscape-randomness.html

网站简介:Article about cracking the original Netscape encryption algorithm, and links to resources for generating crypto strength randomness.

86. Cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/

网站简介:Reference work available for free download (with restrictions) from the Web.

87. Angelfire.com/ak5/bumblenet/index.html

网站简介:Bumblebee's page. Contains the parting message only dated December 2001.

88. Angelfire.com/bc/aftermath/

网站简介:FAQ, payphone numbers, phreaking in Terrance, and links.

89. Moaphie.awardspace.commoaphie.awardspace.com

网站简介:Moaphie/F-13 (viruses, tools, links)

90. Chez.com/unkm/gegen.htm

网站简介:Profile, virus source, notes and links.

91. Darkfall.demon.co.uk/fallen/phreak/

网站简介:Documents British Telecom UK phone system, including boxing plans and payphone information.

92. Securityfocus.com/news/8561/

网站简介:Article on hacker who broke Apple's iTunes authentication, allowing non iTunes clients to connect to the service.

93. Faqs.org/faqs/cryptography-faq/

网站简介:Ten part FAQ list that is essential reading for any newcomer to cryptography.

94. Bsa.org/country/Anti-Piracy.aspx

网站简介:Software management facts and free audit tools. Sponsored by the Business Software Alliance.

95. Crkv.chat.rucrkv.chat.ru

网站简介:The article about companion viruses (with two examples) by CrkV

96. Vxheaven.org/delphi/

网站简介:A single downloadable .rar file containing source code for ~200 samples.

97. Vxheaven.org/herm1t/

网站简介:Articles and sources of Unix/Linux viruses.

98. Https://www.htbridge.com/advisory/

网站简介:Database of vulnerabilities in software.

99. Linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2003/09/11/bunniehuang_interview.html

网站简介:Interview with hacker Andrew "Bunnie" Huang describing how he ran into trouble with the DMCA when publishing a book on hacking the Xbox.

100. Enquirer.com/editions/2003/07/28/loc_wwwloc1ahacker28.html

网站简介:An article by Enquirer.com on Jesse Tuttle, a hacker who used the handle Hackah Jak. Tuttle claims he was working for the FBI.