
76. Genesis8.free.frgenesis8.free.fr

网站简介:A web site dedicated to 8bit Amstrad computers such as CPC, PCW, NC-100/200; get the comp.sys.amstrad.8bit FAQ here.

77. Atarimac.com/atari800macx.php

网站简介:A Mac OS X port of Atari800.

78. Leonard.oxg.free.fr/SainT/saint.html

网站简介:A freeware emulator for Windows.

79. Fuse-emulator.sourceforge.netfuse-emulator.sourceforge.net

网站简介:Open source 48K/128K/+2 emulator for Mac OS X, Unix, and Windows.

80. Kqemu.sourceforge.netkqemu.sourceforge.net

网站简介:A KDE front-end for QEMU. It provides a GUI interface for running PC emulation. Written in Kommander.

81. Vmac.orgvmac.org

网站简介:Official page of the Macintosh Plus emulator. Emulates a 68000 based Macintosh and runs up to MacOS 7.5.5.

82. Cpcalive.comcpcalive.com

网站简介:A freeware CPC emulator for DOS.

83. Namedfork.net/iphone/minivmac

网站简介:A port of Mini vMac to the Apple iPhone.

84. Https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/cbt-tape/info

网站简介:Discussion on anything related to the CBT-TAPE free user supported IBM mainframe software.

85. Sourceforge.net/projects/atari800/

网站简介:An open source 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator for BeOS/x86, DOS, Linux, TOS, Unix, Windows, and Windows CE.

86. Virtualacorn.co.ukvirtualacorn.co.uk

网站简介:The commercial version of the Red Squirrel emulator for Windows 2000, XP or Vista. Includes FAQs, order details and product news.

87. Members.iinet.net.au/~tom-hunter/

网站简介:A CDC (Control Data Corporation) Cyber 6x00, 7x or 17x type mainframe emulator for Windows or Unix.

88. Bannister.org/software/mo5.htm

网站简介:A port of MO5 for MacOS.

89. Bannister.org/software/oric.htm

网站简介:An Oric emulator for the Macintosh that emulates an Oric 1 and an Oric Atmos. It supports full sound and almost perfect compatibility with a real Oric. It includes ROM files for 6 languages as well as assorted different video modes.

90. Bannister.org/software/rainbow.htm

网站简介:A MacOS X port by Richard Bannister of Rainbow.

91. Bannister.org/software/simcoupe.htm

网站简介:An SAM Coupe emulator for the Macintosh that emulates the original SAM Coupe 512K computer. It is also able to function as a ZX Spectrum emulator.

92. Bannister.org/software/teo.htm

网站简介:A port of TEO, a Thomson TO8 emulator, for MacOS.

93. Mkw.me.uk/beebem/

网站简介:Open source BBC Micro Models B/B+ and Master 128 for Windows. Links to ports for diverse platforms including Mac OS, UNIX/Linux, PlayStation Portable, and Pocket PC.

94. Stairwaytohell.comstairwaytohell.com

网站简介:Dedicated to BBC Micro and Acorn Electron games, emulation and emulators. Reviews, scans, music, magazines, instructions, documentation and an active forum.

95. Redsquirrel.fsnet.co.ukredsquirrel.fsnet.co.uk

网站简介:A Windows 95/98 compatible emulator.

96. Yape.homeserver.huyape.homeserver.hu

网站简介:Game downloads, computer history, tips and home of YAPE, A freeware C16 and Plus/4 emulator for Windows. An older open source version for Unix/SDL is also available.

97. Vmware0.tripod.com/index.htm

网站简介:Offers a package that enables Network, CD ROM, and Sound in a Windows For Workgroups 3.11 Virtual Machine. Also provides tipps for setting up Windows for Workgroups 3.11 inside VMware.

98. Hampa.ch/pce/pce-ibmpc.html

网站简介:Open source IBM PC 5150 emulator for Linux and Windows.

99. Gxemul.sourceforge.netgxemul.sourceforge.net

网站简介:An open source full-system computer architecture emulation framework for Unix-like systems. Screenshots, download, and documentation.

100. Micro64.demicro64.de

网站简介:Freeware emulator for Linux/i386 and Windows.