
76. News.cnet.com/2100-1040-232672.html

网站简介:Electronic books have been slow to catch on among consumers, but big Internet companies are betting that the time for e-books has come. [CNet]

77. News.cnet.com/2100-1023-254119.html

网站简介:Harcourt College Publishers inks a deal with e-book company goReader to offer electronic college textbooks. [CNet]

78. Forbes.com/2000/08/09/mu1.html

网站简介:Early promotional titles sell well.

79. Forbes.com/2000/08/31/feat2.html

网站简介:Current business efforts to move e-books to the mainstream. [Forbes]

80. Theguardian.com/education/2002/apr/09/highereducation.students2

网站简介:Simon Midgley wonders whether hard-up students will need to buy textbooks in a few years' time. [Guardian Unlimited]

81. Cspotrun.en.softonic.com/palm

网站简介:A free reader for documents in the popular DOC format.

82. Ebookme.sourceforge.netebookme.sourceforge.net

网站简介:Open source ebook reader for creating and reading e-books on mobile phones and other devices which support JME (Java Micro Edition) with MIDP 1.0 profile. Supports multiple languages and input file types.

83. Usatoday.com/tech/2002/05/08/ebooks.htm

网站简介:Report on the suggestion that anybody actually reads e-books. [USA Today]

84. Web.media.mit.edu/~nicholas/Wired/WIRED4-02.html

网站简介:Summarizes a bits vs. books argument. [Wired]

85. Barnesandnoble.com/nook/index.asp

网站简介:An e-Ink reader for Barnes and Noble. Site includes information on ordering the device and accessories, blog, reviews, FAQ and customer support.

86. Techcrunch.com/2011/08/15/microsoft-reader-e-book-system-comes-to-its-conclusion/

网站简介:Article describes the beginning and the end of the MS Reader.

87. Theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/digitalreader/dr2000-11-16.htm

网站简介:Report on the eBook World conference and the future of publishing. [Digital Reader]

88. Archive.salon.com/books/special/2000/03/29/future/

网站简介:A series of articles examines how the digital revolution is changing what and how we read. [Salon]on]

89. Slashdot.org/features/00/11/30/1238204.shtml

网站简介:An interpretation of the demise of "The Plant." [Slashdot]

90. Csmonitor.com/2002/0123/p01s03-woeu.html

网站简介:Several major booksellers have shelved the idea of selling online editions. [Christian Science Monitor]

91. Jisc.ac.ukjisc.ac.uk

网站简介:Promotes the innovative application and use of information systems and information technology in further and higher education. Lists opportunities, funding, issues and contact details.

92. Infotoday.com/online/jul02/hawkins.htm

网站简介:Review of companies, market issues and outlook for the e-book industry. [Online]

93. Businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/mar2001/nf20010322_286.htm

网站简介:An introduction to the capabilities of e-book readers. [CBC]

94. Businessweek.com/1998/44/b3602055.htm

网站简介:Briefly outlines the history of e-books and details the technology currently on the market. [BusinessWeek]

95. Conference.digitalbookworld.comconference.digitalbookworld.com

网站简介:Contains the sessions of the conference, schedule, speakers, the conference council and contact information.

96. Ecommercetimes.com/story/6215.html

网站简介:Announcement of the report "Electronic Publishing Forecast and Analysis, 2000-2004: Digital Books and Print on Demand." [E-Commerce Times]

97. Ecommercetimes.com/story/14735.html

网站简介:Commentary on why consumers don't want or need e-books. [E-Commerce Times]

98. Firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_6/lynch/index.html

网站简介:A thorough look at the competing economic, technological, and social factors influencing the development of e-books. [First Monday]

99. Firstmonday.org/issues/issue6_10/hillesund/index.html

网站简介:Argues that the evolution of e-book technology is related to the penetrating impact of networks and information technology on society.

100. Ectaco.com/eBook-PDA-Dictionaries-items/

网站简介:e-Ink readers. Site includes product information, purchasing and technical support.