网站简介:Open source GNU/Linux client that supports most of the latest Hotline features.
网站简介:A Hotline client written for Unix/Linux-like operating systems. It employs the Gtk+ environment for the front-end and utilizes a back-end based on the HX project.
网站简介:Resources for open-source developers and a directory of in-development open-source software.
网站简介:Free set of software using the Hotline protocols, providing Hotline application suites that can run on GNU/Linux, OS X and Unix. Provides release information for the base HXD products as well as mHXD.
网站简介:A Hotline server for Unix-like operating systems that was abandoned by its creator, currently pending further development.
网站简介:A collection of open source, OS-independent software for Fidonet including a tosser, a file echo processor and a message editor along with several libraries.
网站简介:QFE is full-featured FTN message editor for Linux with a graphical interface. It written on C++/Qt and does not depend on either KDE or Gnome. All operations with FIDO message base use fidoconfig and smapi packages from HUSKY project.
网站简介:Open source, GNU/Linux-compatible version of the now unavailable Red Light Variety Alpha software, a Hotline protocol client and server with English and Japanese language support.
网站简介:An improved version with additional features making it compatible with GLoarbLine server and 1.9x servers.
网站简介:Client/server suite for Linux/Unix operating systems. Includes shxd, a popular Hotline daemon that is integrated into the mhxd application suite.
网站简介:Open source, cross-platform server application which also allows BBSes to link together.
网站简介:A Hotline client for BeOS. A version is available for the x86 hardware platform as well as PPC.
网站简介:Server application for the Be Operating System. Versions are available for the x86 and PPC hardware platforms.
网站简介:A set of modules for utilizing the Hotline protocol in a Perl environment.
网站简介:Use WebRing to participate in highly focused and rich online communities.
网站简介:Has several shareware titles including an IRC client, various utilities and HTML games. All of the HTML games only need a browser to use them.
网站简介:Briefly presents the history of BBS servers on Commodore computers and their advantages, and offers a collection of these software for downloading along with individual reviews for each application.
网站简介:Contains listings of Synchronet Bulletin Board Systems, this list of some of the BBS' online is updated 24 hours a day.
网站简介:Explanations from the region co-ordinator.
网站简介:How to join FidoNet.