
151. Aibits.comaibits.com

网站简介:Applies artificial intelligence to information technology infrastructures.

152. Alife.netalife.net

网站简介:Promotes the artificial life community by offering news, discussions, polls, software. Free registration.

153. Cafun.decafun.de

网站简介:An application for simulating complex systems; by André Homeyer. Requires Java.

154. Kidojo.com/~yebb/cellauto/

网站简介:An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.

155. Jmge.net/camusic.htm

网站简介:Music samples generated using some popular cellular automata rules; by John Elliott.

156. Darwinbots.com/WikiManual/index.php


157. Netsup.net/~jtillett/darwin/

网站简介:An adaptation of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.

158. Ddlab.comddlab.com

网站简介:Tools for researching discrete dynamical networks - from cellular automata to random boolean networks; by Andrew Wuensche.

159. Digitalpoiesis.orgdigitalpoiesis.org

网站简介:Generative art tools that create complex 2D and 3D objects breeding LSystems, Cellular Automata, and Shape Grammars. Freeware by Umberto Roncoroni.

160. Channon.net/alastair/

网站简介:Alastair Channon's artificial life project.

161. Netplay.com.aunetplay.com.au

网站简介:Cellular Automata software that uses probability theory with Conway's game of life rules to produce new and beautiful animations using DirectX 8.0.

162. Isab.org.ukisab.org.uk

网站简介:An international scientific society devoted to education and furthering research on adaptive behavior in animals, animats, software agents, and robots.

163. Jmge.net/java/csprings/

网站简介:A general 2D cellular automaton explorer implemented as a Java 1.1 applet. By John Elliott.

164. Laurenslapre.nl/lapre_004.htm

网站简介:Windows software and some information on LSystems and related ideas.

165. Nearlife.comnearlife.com

网站简介:Nearlife conceptualizes and creates new products that redefine the way people interact and are entertained.

166. Qflux.orgqflux.org

网站简介:A model of human brain function designed by a neuroscientist at UCSD. The VIM is used to drive 3D characters who live in virtual worlds and can express emotion and creativity.

167. Necsi.org/postdocs/sayama/sdsr/

网站简介:Structurally Dissolvable Self-Reproducing Loop and Evoloop, by Hiroki Sayama.

168. Moshesipper.commoshesipper.com

网站简介:Fine theoretical and practical introduction to Cellular Automata, ALife, and Complex Adaptive Systems.

169. Taumoda.com/web/PD/lab.html

网站简介:This site offers a way to learn how to study the evolution of cooperation through 3 models, based on the Prisoner's Dilemma. (Java applets included).

170. Ventrella.com/Alife/alife.html

网站简介:A collection of Jeffrey Ventrella's AL programs, including a very original "Breeding gliders with CA" simulator. Papers on Artificial Life.

171. Adaptivebox.net/research/

网站简介:Particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE) and hybrid algorithms, for optimization problems.

172. Radicaleye.com/DRH/life.html

网站简介:A collection of Life patterns designed by the author.

173. Hexatron.com/hexca/index.html

网站简介:A Java demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid.

174. Clerc.maurice.free.fr/pso/

网站简介:Mathematical analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization. Discrete, fuzzy PSO.

175. Projectcomputing.com/resources/psovis/index.html

网站简介:A simple Java applet which visually demonstrates a particle swarm searching for a maximum value in a 3-D landscape.