
101. Informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/events/rasta02/

网站简介:International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications; part of AAMAS 2002. Bologna, Italy; 15--19 July 2002.

102. Demo.cs.brandeis.edu/pr/golem/download.html

网站简介:A screensaver aimed at harnessing idle CPU power across the Internet to perform massively distributed evolutionary computation.

103. Cs.brandeis.edu/~zippy/alife-library.html

网站简介:On-line repository of ALife papers.

104. Iridia.ulb.ac.be/~mdorigo/ACO/ACO.html

网站简介:Optimization methodology based on ant behaviors. The first ACO system was introduced by Marco Dorigo in 1992. ACO was applied to the travelling salesman problem, and to the quadratic assignment problem.

105. Iridia.ulb.ac.be/~ants/

网站简介:From Ant Colonies to Artificial Ants: A Series of International Workshops on Ant Algorithms. Links to individual conferences and proceedings.

106. Members.optusnet.com.au/thekingdoms/download/index.html#HexCells

网站简介:A hexagonal version of John Conway's game of life, for Windows and Macintosh.

107. Calt.insead.edu/Encyclopedia/

网站简介:Graduate business school based in Fontainebleau, near Paris. MBA, Executive MBA, PhD and online learning.

108. Hive.cs.uwyo.edu/~wspears/

网站简介:Research into Complex Adaptive Systems: Genetic Algorithms (Evolutionary Algorithms), Neural Networks, and Simulated Annealing. University of Wyoming.

109. Ices03.idi.ntnu.noices03.idi.ntnu.no

网站简介:The 5th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Trondheim, Norway; 17--20 March 2003.

110. Adapsys.feis.herts.ac.ukadapsys.feis.herts.ac.uk

网站简介:University of Hertfordshire. People, projects, publications, links to other groups. (UK)

111. Math.upatras.gr/~elena

网站简介:Personal information, publications, game theory, particle swarm, stochastic optimization, evolutionary algorithms

112. Math.upatras.gr/~kostasp/

网站简介:Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece: Computational and Swarm Intelligence with Applications.

113. Elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~alife/

网站简介:School of Electronic Engineering, Artificial Life Laboratory. People, research, publications, links. (Ireland)

114. Staff.aist.go.jp/utsugi-a/Lab/Links.html

网站简介:A list of programs using alife type techniques (English/Japanese).

115. Fourmilab.ch/cellab/

网站简介:An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker.

116. Helios.hampshire.edu/~lasCCS/genbebop.html

网站简介:A project using genetic programming to produce interactive jazz programs.

117. Quark.phy.bnl.gov/www/xtoys/xtoys.html

网站简介:A set of Cellular Automata simulators written for XWindows. By Mike Creutz.

118. Kasprzyk.demon.co.uk/www/alife/

网站简介:Artificial Life for the Macintosh.

119. Psych.hanover.edu/JavaTest/Play/Life.html

网站简介:A simple Java implementation of Conway's classic game of life. Use stock starting points or draw your own.

120. Intlab.soka.ac.jp/~unemi/sbart/

网站简介:An image breeding program using artificial selection to evolve images similar to Karl Sims.

121. Computacion.cs.cinvestav.mx/~acaceres

网站简介:Papers and other documents by Abdiel Caceres Gonzalez related with computability in normal evolutions of cellular automata, in particular with evolution rule 110, some studies about entropy and tiling with software for mac os X.

122. Faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/comp/comp.ai.alife.html

网站简介:From the newsgroup comp.ai.alife.

123. Faqs.org/faqs/ai-faq/alife/

网站简介:comp.ai.alife Frequently Asked Questions

124. Constitution.org/pd/pd.htm

网站简介:Some links on ethical and political aspect of the Prisoner's Dilemma.

125. Animatlab.lip6.franimatlab.lip6.fr

网站简介:Laboratoire d'Informatique, AnimatLab; a node of EVONET. Members, research projects, publications, software, meetings and other resources. (France)