
51. Data-compression.infodata-compression.info

网站简介:Algorithms, links, comparisons, conferences, corpora and the home of the compressor ABC.

52. Stringology.orgstringology.org

网站简介:An annual conference on stringology and related areas. Most recent edition: Prague, Czech Republic; 2–4 September 2013.

53. Utdallas.edu/~aria/

网站简介:Joint Source-channel coding, image and video processing. Assistant professor at University of Texas at Dallas.

54. Rrsd.comrrsd.com

网站简介:A linear time general purpose sorting algorithm. Included is a description of the algorithm and downloadable executables for Windows computers.

55. Webglimpse.net/pubs/TR94-17.pdf

网站简介:A fast algorithm for multi-pattern searching by Sun Wu

56. Www-video.eecs.berkeley.eduwww-video.eecs.berkeley.edu

网站简介:Video and Image Processing Lab. Members, research projects, publications, software, resources.

57. Cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/mukundan/dsal/appldsal.html

网站简介:Demonstrate fundamental concepts in Data Structures and Algorithms.

58. Cui.unige.ch/tcs/random-approx/

网站简介:4th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2001) and 5th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science (RANDOM 2001). Berkeley, California; August 18-20, 2001.

59. Brpreiss.com/books/opus4/html/book.html

网站简介:A web text by Bruno R. Preiss of the University of Waterloo.

60. Wads.orgwads.org

网站简介:Held in odd-numbered years, alternately with the Scandinavian Workshop of Algorithm Theory. Most recent meeting: University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 12-14 August 2013.

61. Wafr.orgwafr.org

网站简介:Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. Nice, France; 15--17 December 2002.

62. Www-video.eecs.berkeley.edu/~avz/

网站简介:Professor at Berkeley. Image and video compression.

63. Journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal

网站简介:Information on the campuses and all areas of the printing press.

64. Thomas.baudel.name/Visualisation/VisuTri/

网站简介:Applet and web site for teaching sort algorithms. Includes animation of 11 algorithms and some in-depth studies.

65. Scg.uwaterloo.cascg.uwaterloo.ca

网站简介:University of Waterloo, Canada. Covers both symbolic computation and hybrid symbolic-numeric computation.

66. Agner.org/random/

网站简介:Algorithms for good random number generators with theoretical discussion and software examples.

67. Cse.buffalo.edu/jive/

网站简介:JIVE is an object-oriented general-purpose animation system for the visualization of Java coded algorithms. Visualizations can be embedded in a Java browser or attended in a Virtual Classroom by several users at once.

68. Ads.tuwien.ac.atads.tuwien.ac.at

网站简介:Algorithms and Data Structures Group. Research interests: algorithms, data structures and combinatorial optimization, particularly for NP-hard optimization problems.

69. Softpanorama.org/Algorithms/searching.shtml

网站简介:Overview of many sorting techniques and corresponding links.

70. Gilchrist.ca/jeff/

网站简介:Author of the Archive Comparison Test (data compression benchmarks) and researcher in the area of cryptography and distributed computing.

71. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_searching_algorithm

网站简介:Definition, classification, common algorithms, links.

72. Comscire.comcomscire.com

网站简介:Highest quality hardware true random number generators. Cryptography, gaming, lottery, random testing. Device driver for random number generation using entropy sources within a PC, requires no additional hardware. Selling worldwide since 1985.

73. Marknelson.us/1996/08/01/suffix-trees/

网站简介:Fast String Searching With Suffix Trees by Mark Nelson

74. Nada.kth.se/~viggo/wwwcompendium/

网站简介:By P. Crescenzi and V. Kann; KTH Stockholm. A continuously updated version of the appendix from the book "Complexity and Approximation" (Springer, 1999).

75. Can.nlcan.nl

网站简介:Coordinates the use of computer algebra in education and research. Research reports, newsletters and historical material.