
76. Gerom.comgerom.com

网站简介:Gerom Industrial Consortium is a manufacturer and a service provider related to a large range of mining equipment

77. Caledoniamining.comcaledoniamining.com

网站简介:Exploration projects in Zambia, Scotland, Canada, D.R. of Congo and South Africa and mining operations in South Africa and Spain .Includes a virtual tour of the mines .

78. Sibelco.besibelco.be

网站简介:Producer of silica sand and flours, cristobalite, nepheline syenite, and ball clay.

79. Stancorpumps.comstancorpumps.com

网站简介:US manufacturer of electric submersible pumps and controls. Provides both standard and customized systems.

80. Griffindewatering.comgriffindewatering.com

网站简介:Specializes in the layout, installation and operation of construction dewatering systems.

81. Asarco.comasarco.com

网站简介:Miner, smelter and refiner of copper and molybdenum in the United States and Peru.

82. Energold.com/s/Home.asp

网站简介:Focuses on base and precious metals exploration in the Dominican Republic.

83. Energold.comenergold.com

网站简介:Focuses on base and precious metals exploration in the Dominican Republic. (EGD:CDNX).

84. Garciamunte.comgarciamunte.com

网站简介:Importers and distributors of petcoke, anthracite and coal.

85. Remon.comremon.com

网站简介:Water treatment systems. Based in the Netherlands.

86. Korite.comkorite.com

网站简介:Minining and production of ammolite, a unique Canadian gemstone. Includes an online catalog of products, a listing of retailers and a history of the product.

87. Usnrg.comusnrg.com

网站简介:Acquires, explores for, develops and sells mineral properties containing uranium, gold and molybdenum. (Nasdaq: USEG).

88. Birdmachines.co.zabirdmachines.co.za

网站简介:Designs and manufactures transport and stone dusting systems for all trackless mining operations. Located in South Africa.

89. Dovemining.comdovemining.com

网站简介:Mining equipment machinery manufacturer offers mining equipment accessory for gold, gem, gemstone, metal, mineral, construction equipment distributor.

90. Pumpworld.netpumpworld.net

网站简介:On-line pump supply house from well pumps to pond pumps.

91. Vistagold.comvistagold.com

网站简介:Gold mining, development and exploration company. Features corporate reports and presentations, mineral resources, and investment information. (AMEX: VGZ)

92. Terratec.coterratec.co

网站简介:Manufacturers of tunnel boring machines (TBMs), raise borers, tunnel backup and waste removal equipment. They also remanufacture used equipment.

93. Nywelldriller.orgnywelldriller.org

网站简介:Providing information on water wells, pump systems, water treatment, well rehabilitation, and contractors in New York State.

94. Sea-land.itsea-land.it

网站简介:Italian manufacturer of centrifugal pumps, including inline, multi-stage, submersible and jet pumps.

95. Westerndredging.orgwesterndredging.org

网站简介:Promotes the exchange of knowledge in fields related to dredging, navigation, marine engineering and construction.

96. Varismine.comvarismine.com

网站简介:Their communication infrastructures enable miners and tunnelers to communicate and automate their process. Leaky Feeder and Fiber-Optic networks are available, wired or wireless,

97. Kmtechnology.comkmtechnology.com

网站简介:Specializes in the development, consultancy and support to complex well drilling.

98. Denvermineral.comdenvermineral.com

网站简介:Mining process equipment for cyanide gold recovery and water treatment including electrowinning,melting furnaces, merrill-crowe, carbon columns, stripping, heap leaching, screens, mercury retorts, deaeration, filters

99. Cmeco.comcmeco.com

网站简介:Design and manufacture drill rigs, flight and hollow stem augers, auger accessories, and sampling tools and systems suitable for auger, rotary or core drilling applications .

100. Miningsurplus.comminingsurplus.com

网站简介:MiningSurplus.com was established by Teck Corporation and Cominco Ltd. to market surplus used mining and processing equipment and parts from their mining operations in North America.