
76. Apm.org.ukapm.org.uk

网站简介:United Kingdom based organization dedicated to advancing the science of project management and the professional development of project managers.

77. Cprime.comcprime.com

网站简介:Project Management Consulting, Training & Sourcing

78. Sellingpower.comsellingpower.com

网站简介:Targeted to sales managers and upper tier sales professionals, this magazine helps you train, educate, and motivate your sales team.

79. Sdabocconi.it/en/

网站简介:Offers generalist MBA and specialist MBA in International Economics and Management. Also other masters programmes in small business, corporate finance, fashion management, and sports management.

80. Prosci.comprosci.com

网站简介:The learning center offers an index of BPR articles, an online tutorial series, benchmarking studies, yellow pages for BPR resources, and information on reengineering toolkits and document templates for project teams.

81. Arenasolutions.comarenasolutions.com

网站简介:Provides product lifecycle management that unifies organizations and their supply chains around a centralized bill of materials.

82. Cigital.comcigital.com

网站简介:Company provides software risk management for essential software, offering methodologies and services that help organizations deliver reliable, secure, and safe software. Formerly known as Reliable Software Technologies.

83. Notredameonline.comnotredameonline.com

网站简介:University of Notre Dame offers executive certifcate programs in Negotiation and Leadership & Management.

84. Adaptiveplanning.comadaptiveplanning.com

网站简介:Provides hosted budgeting, planning, and business forecasting software applications.

85. Lokad.comlokad.com

网站简介:Send us your data, we send back the forecasts. We specialize in forecasting as a service. Our technology is based on cloud computing.

86. Lek.comlek.com

网站简介:LEK provides business strategy, mergers and acquisitions advisory, and shareholder value consulting services.

87. Misys.commisys.com

网站简介:Misys-IBS is a global supplier of IT solutions to the banking industry

88. Kurtsalmon.comkurtsalmon.com

网站简介:A global management consulting firm specializing in retail, consumer products, and healthcare.

89. Mbs.edumbs.edu

网站简介:Business School of the University of Melbourne, offering executive education, MBA (full-time, part-time and executive) and PhD programs.

90. Chiefexecutive.netchiefexecutive.net

网站简介:Provides global economy coverage, business and technology news, information on upcoming events, and executive life.

91. Aim.com.auaim.com.au

网站简介:Offers Professional and Organisational Development for corporations or business.

92. Home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/

网站简介:Professor of Management Science and Statistics, University of Baltimore. Biographical information, instructional activities, research and publications, consulting services, and favorite bookmarks.

93. Sococo.comsococo.com

网站简介:Provides consulting and management training across European and North American cultures.

94. Masterpeacecoaching.commasterpeacecoaching.com

网站简介:Personal and professional coaching.

95. Proworkflow.comproworkflow.com

网站简介:Web based Project Management and Time Tracking solution with timesheets, work costing, quoting and invoicing.

96. E2open.come2open.com

网站简介:Enable customers to maintain optimal inventory levels and decrease cycle times across the extended enterprise.

97. Deming.orgdeming.org

网站简介:To foster understanding of the Deming systems to advance commerce, prosperity, and peace.

98. Gbr.pepperdine.edugbr.pepperdine.edu

网站简介:An online journal of contemporary business practices.

99. Imi.eduimi.edu


100. Projectsatwork.comprojectsatwork.com

网站简介:A business to business magazine for professionals responsible for project management. Complements the ProjectWorld conferences as a source for project managers.