
126. Dvt.co.zadvt.co.za

网站简介:Provides CRM business intelligence software. Find company profile, description of services and contacts.

127. Eema.orgeema.org

网站简介:European association for the improvement of communications between businesses in Europe who wish to trade and communicate electronically.

128. Commerce.netcommerce.net

网站简介:An industry consortium for companies using, promoting and building e-commerce solutions on the Internet.

129. E-bizsoft.come-bizsoft.com

网站简介:Provides ERP and e-business solutions for various industries.

130. Logicsoftware.co.uklogicsoftware.co.uk

网站简介:Software design and information based technical solutions. Features profile, products and services offered, case studies, and contact details.

131. Imamerchants.orgimamerchants.org

网站简介:A non-profit trade association for companies involved in internet commerce to gain information on ecommerce business best practices.

132. Mjm.commjm.com

网站简介:Provides solutions in the areas of eCommerce, enterprise management and business intelligence.

133. Instacommerce.netinstacommerce.net

网站简介:A professional Web design, development and maintenance company providing total web solutions to include Web Design, Web Development, eCommerce, Webshop, CMS, Copywriting, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing services to customers in Chesterfield, Derbyshire .

134. Storefrontconsulting.comstorefrontconsulting.com

网站简介:StoreFront Consulting provides eCommerce solutions to small and mid-size businesses. We offer a range of solutions to suite the needs of our customers. We offer design and development packages to get your web store or e-business off the ground. We also provide hosting packages to give you storefront a place to live on the internet.

135. Itapps.comitapps.com

网站简介:ITApps Ltd is a full-service CRM provider that helps organizations develop and deploy one-stop, end-to-end mission-critical solutions. ITApps Limited provides CRM and contact center solutions across the Asia Pacific Region.

136. B3net.comb3net.com

网站简介:Leading firm in Website Design, Redesign, Flash Animation & Motion Graphics, 3D modeling, Illustration, Rendering, E-commerce, Content Management System, Web Applications, Custom Database, Internet Marketing with Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Advertising & Social Media Networking

137. Vendormanagedinventory.comvendormanagedinventory.com

网站简介:Overview of how to setup and run a vendor managed inventory program.

138. Alpssoftwares.comalpssoftwares.com

网站简介:Offer software development services, focused on web application design, development and hosting. Based in Delhi, India.

139. Electronicmarkets.orgelectronicmarkets.org

网站简介:Published since 1991 the EM journal reports on the principal developments and the latest trends in Electronic Commerce and Markets.

140. Tweney.comtweney.com

网站简介:Provides Internet business news and analysis. Web entrepreneur and high-tech writer Dylan Tweney cuts through the e-commerce hype with this free, weekly newsletter.

141. Intrabench.comintrabench.com

网站简介:Integrated solution for managing customer relations, invoicing and purchasing. Includes the list of features and available pricing plans.

142. 360visibility.com360visibility.com

网站简介:Microsoft Business Solutions partner provides a solid foundation of tool sets for Financials, Distribution, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Customer Relationship Management and Human Resources.

143. Zerotouch.comzerotouch.com

网站简介:Provider of web based customer service solutions.

144. Q-one.comq-one.com

网站简介:E-Commerce solution development and marketing services.

145. Inter-dev.co.ilinter-dev.co.il

网站简介:Full scale Web site development, based on custom solutions, from Web design to programming. Specializes in database-driven flexible, self manageable web sites and e-commerce solutions.

146. Edeal.comedeal.com

网站简介:Provides businesses of all sizes with complex, private label dynamic pricing e-marketplaces.

147. Ivc.comivc.com

网站简介:Call center management and e-commerce web site builders using open-source software.

148. Remedi.comremedi.com

网站简介:Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) consulting and placement company offering installation, maintenance and system upgrades.

149. Root7.comroot7.com

网站简介:Offers e-commerce application development, web development, database solutions, wap solutions and consultancy services. Based at London, United Kingdom. [Website requires flash plugin]

150. Dchain.comdchain.com

网站简介:Develops and implements e-marketplaces for mid-sized distributors.