
51. Bankmellat.irbankmellat.ir

网站简介:Bank Mellat was formed in accordance with the resolution of Banks General Meeting on Dec.20,1979 in line with the provisions of article 17 of the Banks Management Act , with the initial share capital of 33 billion Rials through the merger of 10 private pre-revolution banks. With the present share capital of 1239 billion Rials , Bank Mellat is the third largest bank within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

52. Behance.netbehance.net

网站简介:Resource for artists to display their work and network for creative jobs.

53. Bt.combt.com


54. Shareasale.comshareasale.com


55. Audible.comaudible.com

网站简介:Offers downloads of audio books, magazines, newspapers and podcasts.

56. Zara.comzara.com

网站简介:Offers dressing ideas, trends and tastes.

57. T-mobile.comt-mobile.com

网站简介:View T-Mobile products and plans or view your account at the T-Mobile home page.

58. Merriam-webster.commerriam-webster.com

网站简介:Publisher of American English dictionaries and reference sources.

59. Indianrail.gov.inindianrail.gov.in

网站简介:The official site with information on trains, fares and availability.

60. Investopedia.cominvestopedia.com

网站简介:Investopedia是Valueclick Brands(惠击计算机技术有限公司)旗下的金融教育网站。网站得名于Invest(投资)+encyclopedia(百科),它是目前最大的国际性金融教育网站之一。网站由科里·詹森和科里·瓦格纳在1999年六月创建。网站总部位于加拿大的埃德蒙顿市,网站已能提供专业、客观和全面的金融信息而出名。 2007年,网站被福布斯集团收购,并与2010年以4300万美元的价格出售给ValueClick集团。

61. Intel.comintel.com

网站简介:Makes devices for personal computer, networking, and communications products.

62. Marketwatch.commarketwatch.com

网站简介:News, market data, portfolios, mutual funds, personal finance, and discussions.

63. Aweber.comaweber.com

网站简介:AWeber email marketing software and autoresponders allow you to keep in contact with potential customers and build profitable life long clients.

64. Springer.comspringer.com

网站简介:International publisher specialising in science, technology and medicine. Includes journal search and free online access to abstracts and tables of contents in over 500 journals and 2000 books.

65. Wiley.comwiley.com

网站简介:Develops, publishes, and sells products in print and electronic media for educational, professional, scientific, technical, medical, and consumer markets worldwide.

66. Monster.commonster.com

网站简介:Job search, resume management, advice from career experts, plus chats and message boards on a variety of topics.

67. Https://www.uber.com/

网站简介:Car sharing, private hire and taxi services in major cities worldwide.

68. Dreamstime.comdreamstime.com

网站简介:Royalty-free images community. Users upload their own files and receive a percentage from each sale. Unbelievable prices and stunning quality.

69. Garmin.comgarmin.com

网站简介:Designs, manufactures and markets GPS navigation, communication and sonar products.

70. Schwab.comschwab.com

网站简介:Charles Schwab brokerage service, for investing in various instruments, particularly mutual funds in their own line as well as other companies'.

71. Axisbank.comaxisbank.com

网站简介:Provides information about services offered, interest rates, branch and ATM locator, corporate banking, and downloadable forms. Includes services like internet, phone, and ATM banking on site.

72. Commbank.com.aucommbank.com.au

网站简介:Offers personal banking, business solutions, institutional banking, company information, and shareholder centre.

73. Discover.comdiscover.com

网站简介:News and features from the world of science.

74. Istockphoto.comistockphoto.com

网站简介:iStockphoto® is the world s preeminent collection of

75. Entrepreneur.comentrepreneur.com

网站简介:Caters to international business people who are actively seeking opportunities abroad. Includes searchable issue archive, also browsable by date.