
126. Spacejock.comspacejock.com

网站简介:Free software designed to help authors put together the snippets, outlines, fragments and chapters that go into a finished novel. Also offers stock charting software, an ebook reader, a mp3 and ogg player, text to speech, and stock market data.

127. Sfsite.comsfsite.com

网站简介:Includes numerous book reviews, forum, and interviews.

128. Britannia.com/history/

网站简介:Timelines, narrative histories, original source documents and important texts, biographies, maps, glossaries, reading lists, informative articles by guest writers, and interviews.

129. Prnewswire.com/profnet/

网站简介:A collaborative of public relations professionals linked by Internet to give journalists and authors convenient access to expert sources.

130. Foodbloggersofcanada.comfoodbloggersofcanada.com

网站简介:For Canadian food bloggers to network, share their knowledge and resources. Founded in 2011.

131. Sfep.org.uksfep.org.uk

网站简介:The SfEP works to promote editorial standards, uphold the professional status of editorial workers, and encourage the use of services offered by its membership.

132. Critiquecircle.comcritiquecircle.com

网站简介:A free collaborative writing workshop for all genres.

133. Writejobs.infowritejobs.info

网站简介:Job postings for writers. International list also available on Twitter.

134. Screenwriting.infoscreenwriting.info

网站简介:Step by step guide from the mechanics of writing to style.

135. Plainlanguage.govplainlanguage.gov

网站简介:Promoting clearer communication between the public and government. This site has resources for writers to attain that goal.

136. Horror.orghorror.org

网站简介:A forum to bring writers and others with a professional interest in horror together and to foster a greater appreciation of dark fiction in general.

137. Autocrit.comautocrit.com

网站简介:Offers an online editing tool for writers, a writing advice center and a library of how-to articles written by published authors. Free and paid versions.

138. Marinersoftware.commarinersoftware.com

网站简介:Writing and creativity software for Mac OS X and Windows.

139. Writers.netwriters.net

网站简介:Writing resources, news and discussion for authors / writers, editors, publishers and agents.

140. Blog.nathanbransford.comblog.nathanbransford.com

网站简介:An author and an ex-literary agent with advice on how to write query letters, get an agent and get published.

141. Networkisa.orgnetworkisa.org

网站简介:The ISA is an informational resource and networking hub for all screenwriters.

142. Fictionwriting.about.comfictionwriting.about.com

网站简介:Advice and help for beginning and experienced fiction writers on writing fiction and getting published, including contests, competitions, exercises, and articles on improving your writing.

143. Scriptpipeline.comscriptpipeline.com

网站简介:A community designed to assist aspiring screenwriters connect with literary agents and film producers. Offers annual screenplay competitions, screenwriting classes, and script coverage services.

144. Projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/index.php

网站简介:Provides information of interest to writers who want to add some realism to their fiction, in regards to rockets and other equipment, history and settings.

145. Hbook.comhbook.com

网站简介:Reviews of children's books, articles and interviews of authors and illustrators.

146. Copydesk.orgcopydesk.org

网站简介:ACES, the American Copy Editors Society, was founded in 1997 as a professional journalism organization for, by and about copy editors. Our aim is to provide solutions to copy desk problems, through training, discussion and an awareness of common issues.

147. Scriptologist.comscriptologist.com

网站简介:Screenplay coverage services and news about the art and business of screenwriting.

148. Novel-writing-help.comnovel-writing-help.com

网站简介:Harvey Chapman, teaching the art and craft of fiction writing since 2008. Free resource for novel writers.

149. Textalyser.nettextalyser.net

网站简介:An online service that allows entry of text or a website. Displays readability analysis, including reading level, sentence length and word counts.

150. Sffworld.comsffworld.com

网站简介:Reviews, articles, online stories, serials, synopses, forums, and weblogs.