
126. Modefy.commodefy.com

网站简介:Video ArtisT Mo Stoebe's digital presence. Contains video art clips of many different genres.

127. Monarchvision.commonarchvision.com

网站简介:Makers of video editing and production equipment - A pioneer in introducing latest, innovative products for the videography, photography and broadcast markets.

128. Dashsys.com/products/paik.html

网站简介:Paik's profile and links.

129. Parallelports.orgparallelports.org

网站简介:Artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum. Video art and politically inspired work. Includes project documentation, statements and exhibition listing.

130. Jgperiot.netjgperiot.net

网站简介:Personal site of artist and video director. [English/French].

131. Pittsburghvideoproduction.compittsburghvideoproduction.com

网站简介:A resource for people who want to learn about more about all aspects of Video Production which includes tips on the entire production process.

132. Planetdvtraining.netplanetdvtraining.net

网站简介:Offers a wide variety of software video editing courses including Avid, Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro,Adobe Premiere and After Effects.

133. Professorbright.comprofessorbright.com

网站简介:Based in the New York City area, Ben Coccio and Dave Shuff produce entertainment as well as corporate video work.

134. Purplemouse.co.zapurplemouse.co.za

网站简介:Provides Avid training courses, besides workflow consultancy and plug-in demos and recommendations.

135. Randystubbs.comrandystubbs.com

网站简介:Techniques on camera skills and editing for creative wedding video production.

136. Sarahklein.comsarahklein.com

网站简介:Browse the current video works and projects of Oakland, California based artist Sarah Klein.

137. Catherineross.netcatherineross.net

网站简介:New York-based artist shows video works, includes CV and exhibitions and projects.

138. Rostec.dkrostec.dk

网站简介:Audio and Video Equipment for Broadcast and recording industry. Digital Audio Reference Generators, A/D, D/A and SRC Converters. GPS and 2Mbit E1 Interfaces.

139. Sirentechnology.co.uksirentechnology.co.uk

网站简介:Supply preconfigured PC based video editing systems for home and professional use, capture cards and software.

140. Os-j.orgos-j.org

网站简介:Web video music by Joerg Oswald.

141. Access-scat.orgaccess-scat.org

网站简介:Home of station in Somerville, Massachusetts. Includes information on programming, news, events, and internships.

142. Sozra.com/cymatics.html

网站简介:A representation in video of the structure and dynamics of waves and vibrations, and hence, music.ic.

143. Space-video.infospace-video.info

网站简介:A directory of free, public-domain videos related to space exploration and science.

144. Suitedandbooted.orgsuitedandbooted.org

网站简介:Provide digital film making opportunities to a wide range of the community in the South West and beyond, writing, devising, storyboarding, producing, filming and editing high quality short films.

145. Takezer0.comtakezer0.com

网站简介:Everything you need to know before take one, Take Zer0 is a weekly video podcast featuring filmmaking tips, movie reviews, and short films produced by Sean Duran and Peter Men.

146. Topsyturvy.ustopsyturvy.us

网站简介:Three working class artists capture the surreal underbelly of the industrial carcass known as Buffalo, NY.

147. Postlit.com/tvnook/

网站简介:Broadband and narrowband alternative videos related to pop-culture, rock music, politics and parodies of broadcasting. Includes RealVideo samples.

148. Uncertainty-principle.comuncertainty-principle.com

网站简介:Artists Joe Zane and Julia Featheringill offer video art, digital installations and flip books.

149. Unwatchablefilms.comunwatchablefilms.com

网站简介:Independent alternative video studio producing short videos, some of which are viewable on the web.

150. Videoediting.novideoediting.no

网站简介:Collects and organizes information related to video editing. Includes tutorials, fonts, jargon, training, images, software, magazines, reviews, cameras and links.