
101. Imdb.com/title/tt0137523/

网站简介:Cast/credits plus additional information about the film

102. Imdb.com/title/tt0068646/

网站简介:Plot summary, cast and crew, viewer comments, and related information.

103. Imdb.com/genre/comedy

网站简介:Chart of the top fifty comedy movies according to users of the Internet Movie Database. Includes ratings and links to movie pages.

104. Videoeta.comvideoeta.com

网站简介:Release schedules for upcoming video and DVD releases; includes related news.

105. Universalstudios.comuniversalstudios.com

网站简介:Information about Universal Studio's movies, television shows, video games and theme parks.

106. Imdb.com/title/tt0110912/

网站简介:Information about the film from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), including cast/credits, basic film outline and extra information.

107. Screendaily.comscreendaily.com

网站简介:Online version of the print magazine. Film industry news, movie reviews, feature articles, festival and awards coverage, production news, and special reports.

108. Imax.com/theatres/

网站简介:A complete listing of all the Imax Theatres worldwide.

109. Imdb.com/title/tt0133093/

网站简介:Detailed information about the film, user comments, trivia, quotes, links, and other details.

110. Simplyscripts.comsimplyscripts.com

网站简介:Searchable directory of downloadable scripts. Includes television, radio, anime and unproduced scripts and screenplays.

111. Flickchart.comflickchart.com

网站简介:Rank Movies Instead of Rating Movies, Create & View Personalized Movie Lists, Share Your Favorite Films with Friends, & See the Definitive Best Movies of All Time

112. Nytimes.com/pages/movies/

网站简介:Movie reviews, nationwide showtimes, new releases, movie news and ticket purchase.

113. Imdb.com/title/tt0482571/

网站简介:Offers cast, crew, plot summary and discussion board.

114. Imdb.com/title/tt1345836/

网站简介:Offers news articles, cast list and discussion board.

115. Galaxytheatres.comgalaxytheatres.com

网站简介:Movie listings, showtimes, tickets, and directions.

116. Chud.comchud.com

网站简介:One of the world's longest running and beloved film opinion and news sites.

117. Sundance.orgsundance.org

网站简介:Sponsor of the Sundance film festival with schedules and film submission criteria. Park City, Utah.

118. Raindance.orgraindance.org

网站简介:General information, submission details, past festivals, film synopses, FAQ, and media.

119. Filmmakeriq.comfilmmakeriq.com

网站简介:Tutorials, videos, and interviews covering all aspects of production, including screenwriting, distribution, and funding sources. Includes a forum and links.

120. Bowtiecinemas.combowtiecinemas.com

网站简介:Chatham, Connecticut-based chain. Showtimes, film details, trailers, and contact information.

121. Imdb.com/title/tt0108052/

网站简介:Cast/credits plus additional information about the film

122. 007.com007.com

网站简介:MGM site for fans, with video and DVD information, games, and FAQ.

123. Cinematreasures.orgcinematreasures.org

网站简介:Guide to new and classic movie theaters from around the world featuring over 20,000 theaters from over 150 countries. The site also features news, photos, theater listings, and more covering the past, present, and future of moviegoing.

124. Killermovies.comkillermovies.com

网站简介:Movie website that provides daily upcoming Hollywood movie news, reviews, trailers, and a community based discussion forums.

125. Imdb.com/title/tt0109830/

网站简介:Cast/credits plus additional information about the film