
51. Highdefdigest.comhighdefdigest.com

网站简介:High-Def Digest is dedicated to the next-gen high-definition disc formats, including both HD DVD and Blu-ray. We track all high-def disc news and release dates, and review the latest disc titles. Updated daily and in real-time, High-Def Digest is the ultimate guide for DVD enthusiasts who demand only the best that money can buy.

52. Inoxmovies.cominoxmovies.com

网站简介:Inox multiplex, the best movie experience in Nariman Point (Mumbai), Pune, Forum / City Centre (Kolkata), Vadodara and Goa. With all the latest bollywood films and hollywood movies bundled with the best sight and sound equipment that will make your movie experience truly world class.

53. Filmschoolrejects.comfilmschoolrejects.com

网站简介:In this world gone mad, who can you trust? Simple: for movie news, reviews and opinions, trust in the Film School Rejects.

54. Imax.comimax.com

网站简介:The official web site of the large-format film company. Contains list of global theatres, films and distributors.

55. Ign.com/movies

网站简介:Reviews, previews, podcast, top lists, films on DVD and Blu-ray, articles, news, trailers, release dates, video clips, message boards, and links.

56. Nyfa.edunyfa.edu

网站简介:Acting and film school offering college degree programs, hands-on classes, evening workshops and summer programs in New York City, Los Angeles and Abu Dhabi.

57. Landmarktheatres.comlandmarktheatres.com

网站简介:Landmark Theatres is America's largest theatre circuit dedicated to independent film, foreign language cinema, restored classics and documentaries.

58. The-numbers.comthe-numbers.com

网站简介:Provides weekly, daily, and weekend box office data and DVD sales information for movies playing worldwide.

59. Sonypictures.comsonypictures.com

网站简介:Information about the large number of movies and television programs produced by Sony Pictures.

60. Theforce.nettheforce.net

网站简介:Your daily dose of Star Wars. News and rumors concerning the Star Wars movies, TV, books, comics, toys, and games. Fan art, fan fiction, and links.

61. Withoutabox.comwithoutabox.com

网站简介:Withoutabox was founded in January, 2000 to serve as a network for independent filmmakers and their films - to directly access film festivals, film buyers, and film audiences throughout the world and to manage those relationships and transactions from a central console. Filmmakers can use the system for free.

62. Firstshowing.netfirstshowing.net

网站简介:The latest movie news, movie trailers, movie reviews, interviews, rumors, hype, and everything related to the theatrical experience straight from Hollywood and beyond.

63. Sundance.tvsundance.tv

网站简介:Guide for the Sundance TV channel which shows movies from past festivals including live coverage during the festival.

64. Foxmovies.comfoxmovies.com

网站简介:Provides details of upcoming films and links to films already produced. Official site.

65. Imdb.com/title/tt0111161/

网站简介:Cast/credits plus additional information about the film

66. Sterkinekor.comsterkinekor.com

网站简介:South Africa cinema chain. What's showing at their drive-ins and indoor cinemas.

67. Harkinstheatres.comharkinstheatres.com

网站简介:Privately owned movie theater chain with locations throughout the Southwestern United States.

68. Moviemistakes.commoviemistakes.com

网站简介:A massive collection of continuity mistakes and trivia from thousands of films, old and new.

69. Imdb.com/title/tt1375666/

网站简介:Synopsis, image gallery, trailers, trivia, cast and credits.

70. Villagecinemas.com.auvillagecinemas.com.au

网站简介:Several dozen theaters located throughout Australia. Showtimes, tickets, and synopses of currently playing and upcoming films.

71. Cinemaclock.comcinemaclock.com

网站简介:Canada's movie guide, theatre listings, movie showtimes, trailers, user reviews, upcoming movies and DVDs.

72. Slantmagazine.comslantmagazine.com

网站简介:Zine featuring reviews and articles about film and music.

73. Allmovie.comallmovie.com

网站简介:The best, most complete site to help you find movie trailers, synopsis, movie reviews as well as complete celebrity & movie cast details.

74. Imsdb.comimsdb.com

网站简介:Movie scripts online free for reading and downloading. Hundreds of popular movie scripts available.

75. Dvdbeaver.comdvdbeaver.com

网站简介:Graphic comparisons of releases, upcoming cover images, release calendar, and reviews.