
101. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie

网站简介:Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about zombie legends including folk beliefs and their origins around the world, and the zombie in modern fiction.

102. Bucconeer.worldcon.orgbucconeer.worldcon.org

网站简介:The 56th World Science Fiction Convention, held Wednesday, August 5th through Sunday, August 9th, 1998 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Includes an online photo gallery of the convention, and information about the ongoing student writing contest sponsored by the convention corporation.

103. Sfbookcase.comsfbookcase.com

网站简介:Reviews of novels and authors.

104. Fanac.orgfanac.org

网站简介:An archive of texts, photographs and artwork relating to the history, development, people and culture of science fiction fandom.

105. Tk421.net/character/

网站简介:A personality test that matches your responses with a fantasy or science fiction character.

106. Leprecon.orgleprecon.org

网站简介:A fan-run generalist Science Fiction and Fantasy convention group, stressing Art, that occurs in the greater Phoenix area. Includes previous, future, and current convention information.

107. Iowa-icon.comiowa-icon.com

网站简介:Program, guests, registration, hotel information, history, contact information, and trivia are available on this page about the yearly convention held in Coralville.

108. Accidentalcentaurs.comaccidentalcentaurs.com

网站简介:Comic strip created by John Lotshaw, following the characters Sam and Alex; archived episodes and a forum.

109. Finncon.orgfinncon.org

网站简介:Information about the national Finnish SF convention, held annually.

110. Unicornjelly.comunicornjelly.com

网站简介:Manga comic strip by Jennifer Diane Reitz; full story and games.

111. Miscon.orgmiscon.org

网站简介:Missoula science fiction convention.

112. War-ofthe-worlds.co.ukwar-ofthe-worlds.co.uk

网站简介:An indepth look at The War Of The Worlds, from the original H. G. Wells novel to the Orson Welles radio broadcast and beyond.

113. Stonehill.orgstonehill.org

网站简介:The oldest SF club in the Tampa Bay area. Meetings once a month.

114. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire

网站简介:Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about vampire legends including folk beliefs and their origins around the world, and the vampire in modern fiction.

115. Demicon.orgdemicon.org

网站简介:Features writers' workshop, filk and folk music held in May in Des Moines. Contains list of GoHs, programming outline, directions, hotel reservation form.

116. Greententacles.comgreententacles.com

网站简介:Provides news, articles, resources, and services for people and businesses in the speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, and horror) industry.

117. Planetinfocus.orgplanetinfocus.org

网站简介:International environmental film and video festival based in Toronto. Background information, schedule, news and media, tickets, venue details, and resources.

118. Archonstl.orgarchonstl.org

网站简介:Science fiction and fantasy theme. Includes miniatures, modeling, video games, an art show, and masquerade. Located in Illinois, United States.

119. Ltue.netltue.net

网站简介:A three-day science fiction and fantasy symposium with an emphasis on writing and academics. Panels, presentations and workshops on writing, media analysis, SF art and worldbuilding. Academic papers on SF&F themes. Also a one-day Educator's Conference (Saturday) for teachers, librarians and parents. Admission is free. Flyers, writing contest info, links.

120. Desertrealm.comdesertrealm.com

网站简介:Search engine that specializes in genre websites.

121. Fact.orgfact.org

网站简介:Fandom Association of Central Texas's newsletter, fanzine, reading group, charities, BBS, and conferences.

122. Werewolvesatheart.deviantart.comwerewolvesatheart.deviantart.com

网站简介:Art group displaying sculptures, drawings, paintings, costumes, and writings from the community..

123. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnome

网站简介:Encyclopedic details of their mythology, folklore and international name variations.

124. Orycon.orgorycon.org

网站简介:Annual convention, held in Portland. Includes image galleries and history.

125. Nippon2007.orgnippon2007.org

网站简介:The 65th Worldcon to be held in Yokohama, Japan. Includes guests of honor, hotel and travel information, programming, prices, and contacts. [Japanese/English]