
126. Groups.yahoo.com/group/homer/

网站简介:Philosophic discussions about the homeric poems and the epics.

127. Groups.yahoo.com/group/epapeironaponton/

网站简介:Working group about Homer and homeric poems. Philosophical discussions and actual creation of tools for the knowledge of the epics.

128. Ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa021500a.htm

网站简介:Information on Vergil and his lasting influence on literature, with links to other Vergil essays and resources.

129. Ancienthistory.about.com/od/peloponnesianwar/p/30tyrants.htm

网站简介:The treaty between Athens and Sparta at the end of the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath. [About.com]

130. Ancienthistory.about.com/od/greeklanguagehistory/tp/bl_time_europe_greece_language.htm

网站简介:Dialects of Ancient Greek. Changes in the language from ancient to Koine to modern Greek.

131. Ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa081500a.htm

网站简介:Odysseus' information gathering trip to the Underworld.

132. Ancienthistory.about.com/od/greekwomen/a/wilypenelope.htm

网站简介:The second book of the Odyssey shows how Penelope is an equal to Odysseus in craftiness.

133. Ancienthistory.about.com/cs/peloponnesianwar/a/timepelopwar.htm

网站简介:Timeline of the treaties and fighting among the Greek city-states in the Peloponnesian War.

134. Ancienthistory.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatpsappho.htm

网站简介:Books about the poet Sappho, her poetry, life, lesbianism, analyses of the relationship between her writing and that of other poets.

135. Ancienthistory.about.com/od/classicaleroticpoets/a/SapphoAlcaeus.htm

网站简介:Comparison of the two contemporary writers, Sappho and Alcaeus of Lesbos.

136. Ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa072297.htm

网站简介:Brief introduction to Herodotus and his place in the creation of the genre of history.

137. Classics.mit.edu/Apuleius/apol.html

网站简介:English translation of the Apologia, translated by H. E. Butler

138. Cams.psu.educams.psu.edu

网站简介:Programs, events, faculty, courses, vacancies and mission statement for the department.

139. Columbia.edu/cu/classics/

网站简介:Information on and departments and programs, faculty and course directory. Also offers a newsletter.

140. Utexas.edu/cola/depts/classics/

网站简介:Information on courses, programs, students, faculty, staff and alumni. Also provides links for projects.

141. Depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/classics

网站简介:Featuring information on news and events, faculty, students and alumni, courses and core studies. Also offers FAQ.

142. Ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~jfarrell/gradcurr.html

网站简介:An ongoing discussion in the shared sense that graduate education in Classics needs to be rethought.

143. Andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/classic.html

网站简介:A list of classical and Biblical-oriented websites maintained by a professor at Rutgers University.

144. Princeton.edu/~aford/307bmcr.html

网站简介:"The Following links will take you to substantive reviews of recent books on the Odyssey from the Bryn Mawr Classical Review."

145. Yale.edu/classics/

网站简介:Information on courses and programs, graduate students and faculty.

146. Homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~phoenix/

网站简介:Articles covering all areas of classical studies, published by the Classical Association of Canada. Info on subscribing and contributing, and indexes of selected issues.

147. Projects.chass.utoronto.ca/amphoras/tocs.html

网站简介:Tables of contents of a selection of classics, Near Eastern studies, and religion journals, available in text format and searchable in English and French. Some texts and abstracts also available.

148. Virginia.edu/classics

网站简介:Features an online application. Also includes information on students, faculty, events, programs and courses.

149. Loc.gov/rr/main/alcove9/classics.html

网站简介:Resources for studying Classical and Medieval literature.

150. Quia.com/pages/jcl.html

网站简介:Lists officers and links to Latin and history games.