
51. Tattoo.dktattoo.dk

网站简介:Specializing in custom, ethnic, and historic design. Site available in Danish and English. [Copenhagen, Denmark]

52. Tattoo-ins.comtattoo-ins.com

网站简介:Available to tattooing and piercing studios. Newsletter, updates, and contact information.

53. Analogtattoo.comanalogtattoo.com

网站简介:Image galleries listed by artist. Also contains book information and merchandise. [San Jose]

54. Dragonflyink.comdragonflyink.com

网站简介:Specializes in botanical and natural images. Located in San Francisco

55. Cleanslatela.orgcleanslatela.org

网站简介:Gang recovery and removal program that helps to erase the visible signs of gang involvement. Information on various programs, counseling centers, and the staff.

56. Newtribe.canewtribe.ca

网站简介:Shop location and history, artist profiles and image galleries of previous works. Aftercare and frequently asked question sections on tattooing and piercing as well as information on custom services. Toronto, Ontario.

57. Mrzebra.commrzebra.com

网站简介:Piercing and tattoo services available. Image galleries, jewelry pictures, and custom work. Some adult content. Berkeley.

58. Aaatattoodirectory.comaaatattoodirectory.com

网站简介:Index of worldwide tattoo shops listed in a searchable database format. Shop-talk area for questions and chat.

59. Wolfefx.comwolfefx.com

网站简介:Features a complete line of water-based makeup and offers help and support for face and body painters around the world.

60. Idlehandsf.comidlehandsf.com

网站简介:Artists' portfolios and an events calendar. [San Francisco].

61. Hyperspacestudios.comhyperspacestudios.com

网站简介:The powerful artwork of Guy Aitchison and Michele Wortman. Tattoos, paintings, and photographs.

62. Artandsoultattoos.comartandsoultattoos.com

网站简介:Custom work done by internationally published and award winning artists. Image gallery, artist list, and location details. [Los Angeles]

63. Remistattoo.comremistattoo.com

网站简介:Work by tattoo artist from Dublin.

64. Jinxprooftattoos.comjinxprooftattoos.com

网站简介:Features artist profiles, FAQ and directions. Removal services are also available.

65. Bodypiercingtattooingandbodymodification.yuku.combodypiercingtattooingandbodymodification.yuku.com

网站简介:Message board for those interested in discussing piercings, tattoos, mehndi, modifications, and implants.

66. Nailartgallery.comnailartgallery.com

网站简介:Thumbnail gallery featuring artwork from Irene Ellis, Vicki Irvine, Best Foot Forward and various others. Also features links to the artists home pages.

67. Health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/beauty/skin-and-lifestyle/tattoo.htm

网站简介:Brief selections regarding various aspects of permanent skin modifications including: health and safety, removal, and related links. [How Stuff Works]

68. Tattooinfo.nettattooinfo.net

网站简介:Information and articles on tattoos, piercing and extreme modification. Convention data, tattoo history and after care procedures.

69. Catswhiskers.bizcatswhiskers.biz

网站简介:Gallery of previous works, information on training, customer testimonials, and contact information. [Bristol, United Kingdom]

70. Whitetigertattoo.comwhitetigertattoo.com

网站简介:Appointment information, hours of operation and contact details. Also contains artist portfolios, convention listings, and related links. [Rochester]

71. Innervisionbodyart.cominnervisionbodyart.com

网站简介:Tattoo and piercing image galleries, aftercare directions, owners' profiles, FAQ page and related links. [Sarver]

72. Pacificbodyjewellery.compacificbodyjewellery.com

网站简介:Offers information on jewellery; metals and types. Covers safety, aftercare, piercing problems, and emergency information. View the artists' galleries, meet the piercers' and find out about their training seminars. [Vancouver, British Columbia]

73. Kenzi.comkenzi.com

网站简介:Body art for party, wedding, shower, opening, photo shoot, fashion show or film. Traditinoal to modern styles and custom work. Gallery, henna supplies, calendar or events, and contact info. New York.

74. Tatutattoo.comtatutattoo.com

网站简介:Tattoo and piercing studio including artist details, location and contact information. Located in Chicago.

75. Yongesttattoos.comyongesttattoos.com

网站简介:Offering tattoos and piercings. Portfolios of each of the artists, instructions on aftercare, and information on their services. Toronto, Ontario.