
1. Latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/

网站简介:Experts and amateurs meet to predict the winners of the Academy Awards, Grammy, Emmy, Tony, and Golden Globes. News, information, commentary and interviews from the Los Angeles Times.

2. Bafta.orgbafta.org

网站简介:BAFTA promotes and honors excellence in film, television, and Internet and multimedia technologies. Information, eligibility, events, winners, members, and archival information.

3. Sagawards.orgsagawards.org

网站简介:Official site with news, history, rules, past and current nominees and recipients, photos, tickets and other details.

4. Kennedy-center.org/programs/specialevents/honors/

网站简介:Celebrates the lifetime achievements of American performing artists, writers, and composers.

5. Pgfusa.compgfusa.com

网站简介:Identifies and assists young talent in theater, dance and film through grants in the form of scholarships, apprenticeships and fellowships.

6. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Globe_Award

网站简介:Article on the award's history and origins, as well as links to lists of winners.

7. Prismawards.comprismawards.com

网站简介:Entertainment industry's annual recognition of outstanding contributions for the accurate depiction of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and addiction in film, television, interactive media, and comic book entertainment.

8. Licc.uslicc.us

网站简介:Awards and online competition for visual artists worldwide.

9. Rottentomatoes.com/top/golden_globes.php

网站简介:Winners and nominees by year and category.

10. Moviefone.com/golden-globes

网站简介:Find news, video, and event photos surrounding the awards.

11. Seeing-stars.com/Awards/SAGawards.shtml

网站简介:A look at the Screen Actors Guild Awards show, with an emphasis on how the public can watch the stars arrive.

12. Awards.the-aop.orgawards.the-aop.org

网站简介:Honors talent within the professional, advertising, and editorial fields of photography. Information, history, and past and present winners.

13. Digitalhit.com/globes/

网站简介:Annual coverage of nominees, winners, photos and discussions.

14. Australian-art-gallery.com/cgi-bin/v_prizes.pl

网站简介:A list of all current Australian Painting prizes.

15. Louiscomforttiffanyfoundation.orglouiscomforttiffanyfoundation.org

网站简介:Offering biennial monetary awards in painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, video, and craft-media. Information includes foundation's history and previous winners.

16. Yda.org.nzyda.org.nz

网站简介:Promoting young talent in New Zealand in the field of design. Objectives and purposes as well as information on categories, criteria, and entry.