
26. Esbnyc.comesbnyc.com

网站简介:Official site for facts, history, business directory, and a kids section with a printable coloring book.

27. Architecture.comarchitecture.com

网站简介:Professional association of architects in the United Kingdom along with international members. News, exhibitions, online shopping, directories of architects, British Architectural Library.

28. Gsd.harvard.edugsd.harvard.edu

网站简介:Gives information about the school, its research programs and publications, special projects and prizes.

29. New7wonders.comnew7wonders.com

网站简介:This project offered the public the opportunity to vote for the new seven wonders of the world. Results were announced on 7 July 2007. It gives condensed, illustrated descriptions of the winners and other finalists.

30. Greatbuildings.comgreatbuildings.com

网站简介:Documents hundreds of buildings and leading architects across the world with 3D models, photographs and drawings, commentaries, biographies and bibliographies. Searchable.

31. Fosterandpartners.comfosterandpartners.com

网站简介:Official site of the London-based architects responsible for the Chep Lap Kok Airport, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and the Bilbao Metro. Includes a biography of Lord Foster of Thames Bank.

32. Cement.orgcement.org

网站简介:Aims to improve cement and concrete and its uses, and raise the quality of construction. Page includes industry news magazine.

33. Bdonline.co.ukbdonline.co.uk

网站简介:UK magazine Building Design's online presence, providing news for architects. Includes events, people and jobs.

34. Taipei-101.com.twtaipei-101.com.tw

网站简介:Official site of Taipei and Taiwan's tallest skyscraper. Covers facts, illustrations and pictures.es.

35. Aoc.govaoc.gov

网站简介:Official site maintained by the Architect of the Capitol provides historic and current information on the function and architecture of the Capitol, House and Senate buildings, and surrounding grounds.

36. Detail.dedetail.de

网站简介:DETAIL is an international magazine dedicated to architecture and construction details.

37. Preservationnation.orgpreservationnation.org

网站简介:Preservation information, features, events and activism for America's historic places.

38. Westminster-abbey.orgwestminster-abbey.org

网站简介:The official site for the burial place of kings. Five QuickTime virtual reality 360-degree interactive panoramas. Or tour with an interactive floor-plan leading to beautiful photographs and accompanying history. Visitor information.

39. Aaschool.ac.ukaaschool.ac.uk

网站简介:Both a learned society and a school of architecture. Details of foundation, undergraduate and graduate courses, events and resources.

40. Thehighline.orgthehighline.org

网站简介:Official website of the High Line public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side, NY, USA.

41. Neuschwanstein.deneuschwanstein.de

网站简介:The official site of this 19th-century fantasy castle built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria includes an illustrated building history, tour and biography of Ludwig.

42. Discoveringegypt.comdiscoveringegypt.com

网站简介:This artist offers computer-generated reconstructions of pyramids and temples as first built, along with interactive ground plans and images. Free screen savers, eCard, translator into hieroglyphics.

43. Thevenusproject.comthevenusproject.com

网站简介:The Venus Project calls for a redesign of our culture in which war, poverty and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but unacceptable.

44. Archnet.orgarchnet.org

网站简介:An online community for architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects and scholars, with a special focus on the Islamic world. Includes an extensive image collection.

45. Bartlett.ucl.ac.ukbartlett.ucl.ac.uk

网站简介:Information on the School of Architecture: programmes, people, research, events and resources.

46. The-bac.eduthe-bac.edu

网站简介:Offers bachelor's and master's degrees in architecture and interior design. Application, academic information, and student exhibition information. Boston, Massachusetts.

47. Metropolismag.commetropolismag.com

网站简介:Online version of the print magazine covering architecture,

48. Courtauld.ac.ukcourtauld.ac.uk

网站简介:Research interests over a broad spectrum of the arts and architecture of the Western world from classical antiquity to the present day. The Conway Library, open to the public, houses just under a million images related to architecture.

49. Bk.tudelft.nlbk.tudelft.nl

网站简介:The main focus in this specialization is on architectural design and through research that students develop the ability for independent work in architecture in relation to social and technical questions.

50. Pps.orgpps.org

网站简介:Comment and advice on public parks and public spaces around the world.